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Double Chin Removal Surgery in New York

There are many effective ways to get rid of a double chin. Injectable treatments, minimally-invasive liposuction, and augmentation surgery are all safe methods for eliminating chin fat and creating a more sculpted jawline. The best treatment for each patient depends on their specific situation and desired results. 

Procedures can also be combined to cater to each patient’s needs as well. Philip J. Miller, MD, FACS, is a double-board-certified facial plastic surgeon who creates customized treatment plans to meet the precise needs and goals of each of his patients. 

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Double Chin Treatment Options in NYC

Dr. Miller offers these options for treating a double chin: 


NeckTite™ is a minimally invasive procedure that utilizes patented radiofrequency assisted lipolysis (RFAL) to rejuvenate the neck and jowls. NeckTite removes excess fat while tightening skin, often producing superior results to liposuction alone.


Liposuction is another chin contouring procedure Dr. Miller offers patients. This procedure may provide more dramatic neck fat removal than NeckTite, making it a good choice for patients with more submental fat. This procedure uses a microcannula to loosen and suction away fat from the treatment area, resulting in a more defined jawline.


Kybella® is an injectable treatment and alternative to surgery for fat reduction. The active ingredient in Kybella is deoxycholic acid, which targets and destroys fat cells so the body can eliminate them through natural processes. During the procedure, you will receive multiple injections in a grid-like pattern across the treatment area. Results develop over time and patients typically need more than one treatment session to achieve full results.

Neck Lift

A neck lift addresses chin fat and loose skin in a single procedure. It is recommended for moderate to severe aging symptoms that can't be sufficiently addressed using a non-surgical procedure like NeckTite. Although this treatment requires anesthesia and some downtime afterward, the improvements are very dramatic and long-lasting. 

MyEllevate treatment to rejuvenate the lower face, by Dr. Miller. After treatment, skin looks firmer and there is more definition along the jawline.

Chin Augmentation

Chin augmentation increases the projection of the chin to bring the entire facial profile into balance. Dr. Miller offers both injectable dermal fillers and surgical implants to achieve this goal. Dermal fillers do not require anesthesia or downtime and results typically last up to 12 months. Surgical implants are placed using anesthesia and recovery is typically 1-2 weeks. However, this procedure yields permanent improvement unless the implant is removed. 

Dr. Miller can perform any of these treatments as a stand-alone procedure or in combination with others to achieve the most comprehensive results for each of his patients. 

Learn more about double chin surgery here.

How Does Dr. Miller Correct a Double Chin?

Dr. Miller uses the NatraLook process to create a supportive, collaborative environment where patients can discuss their goals. You and Dr. Miller develop a plan together to achieve exceptional natural-looking results.

Dr. Miller is a double-board-certified facial plastic surgeon with more than two decades of experience. He uses his expertise to refine the look of each patient, giving them the aesthetic confidence they seek. To learn more about double chin treatments, contact our New York City or New Orleans office today to schedule a consultation. 

Double Chin Removal Before & After Photos

double chin removal before and after

double chin correction results in new york

double chin removal results before and after

Double Chin FAQ

How much does it cost to lose your double chin in New York?

Depending on the procedure or combination thereof, it can cost patients anywhere from $1,200 to $5,000 per method. Dr. Miller will discuss the options that are best for you during your personal consultation. Once you develop a treatment plan, a more accurate estimate can be provided.

What surgery is best for double chin?

The best surgical procedure to address this issue is chin augmentation surgery. Liposuction is also an effective surgical method, but it doesn’t directly address a patient’s profile. Chin augmentation enhances the profile to reduce the appearance of a double chin, so it can help stop the issue from recurring. Patients who undergo liposuction alone risk the issue resurfacing if they don’t maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Can double chin be removed permanently?

Yes, it can be permanently removed through surgical alteration. Not every method can offer permanent results, but surgical procedures do if a patient maintains a healthy lifestyle after treatment.

Does double chin come back after surgery?

Without a healthy lifestyle, patients risk dealing with this issue again. Augmentation can help to prevent a recurrence by permanently altering the profile and proportionality of a patient’s facial features. Patients are encouraged to maintain a healthy lifestyle after surgery to avoid this issue resurfacing, especially after liposuction.

How painful is chin liposuction?

Patients are put under local anesthesia to avoid pain during the procedure. The first 2 to 4 days after surgery is when patients will experience the most pain, but this is mitigated by choosing a highly-qualified surgeon. Soreness and tenderness may persist for up to 4 weeks after the procedure.

How much fat is removed during chin lipo?

Less than 10% of the fat is removed during liposuction. This avoids any significant risk to the patient while still achieving effective aesthetic results. Removing an excessive amount of fat could lead to unnecessary trauma for the patient. This is another reason why choosing a highly qualified, double-board-certified facial plastic surgeon like Dr. Miller is so important.

Settle for Nothing But the Best Facial Plastic Surgery

Facial Plastic Surgery

Dr. Philip Miller and his team of New York's top rated facial plastic surgery experts provide custom cosmetic treatment plans that include a combination of minimally-invasive techniques and advanced procedures, to help each patient achieve the Aesthetic Confidence® they desire. Our unique NatraFace™ approach to facial rejuvenation includes the following effective procedures:

Eyelid Plastic Surgery

Dr. Miller provides patients with Manhattan's #1 customized care and treatment for smooth, supple skin that brightens the eyes and revitalizes the face. With our NatraFace™ approach, we utilize a combination of effective aesthetic techniques tailored to suit each patient’s needs. We offer:

Rhinoplasty (Nose Jobs)

Dr. Miller and his staff of NYC's best aesthetic specialists offer the NatraNose® process, which is a comprehensive range of minimally-invasive and advanced techniques to achieve natural-looking rhinoplasty results, improve nasal function, and meet the patient’s aesthetic goals. Dr. Miller specializes in nose jobs, nose reductions, non-surgical nose jobs, and more: Adjust the links in these sections as follows:

Skin Care Treatments

Widely acclaimed for our broad range of flawless skincare solutions, Philip J. Miller, MD, FACS and his team of aesthetic specialists offer customized skincare treatment plans to achieve healthy, natural-looking results. As part of our NatraLook™ process, the following procedures may be performed individually or in combination with more advanced surgical treatments for optimal rejuvenation.

Male Plastic Surgery

Philip J. Miller, MD, FACS, is a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon with over 20 years of experience working with male and female patients. He specializes in facial plastic surgery and is recognized as an expert in facial rejuvenation procedures. Utilizing the most advanced surgical techniques, Dr. Miller can maintain or enhance masculine features while producing the most natural-looking results.

Services >

Aesthetic Confidence®

The Plastic Surgery Podcast with Dr. Philip Miller

Tune into The Plastic Surgery Podcast, hosted by facial plastic surgeon Dr. Philip Miller. Dr. Miller is here to answer your questions, de-mystify plastic surgery, and help you feel more knowledgeable and empowered about any procedure performed at our center.

  • Apple Podcast Icon Podcast Icon

    Episode 44: My First Time

    8 min
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    Episode 43: Top 10 Reasons Not To Get A Rhinoplasty ( Plastic Surgery)

    20 min
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    Episode 42 : Osteomas & Lipomas

    11 min
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    Episode 41: All Ears Considered!

    8 min
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    Episode 40: Infrared Light Therapy

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    Episode 39: Beauty, the Plateau

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    Episode 38: Botox and Dermal Fillers

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    Episode 37: Cost of Rhinoplasty

    1 min
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    Episode 36: Different Types of Nasal Surgeries

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    Episode 35: Do You Have to Break the Nose for Rhinoplasty?

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    Episode 34: Do You Have to Stay Overnight After Having a Rhinoplasty?

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    Episode 33: Don't Have a Rhinoplasty!

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    Episode 32: Endonasal or External

    1 min
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    Episode 31: Are You a Candidate?

    2 min
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    Episode 30: In The Office

    17 min
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    Episode 29: Can My Nose be Made Smaller?

    4 min
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    Episode 28: Can't Breath Through Nose

    3 min
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    Episode 27: Chin Implants - Mentoplasty

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    Episode 26: Columellar Struts

    23 sec
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    Episode 25: Common Terms

    5 min
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    Episode 24: Connection Between Facial Resurfacing and Tattooing

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    Episode 23: The Sooner, The Better?

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Plastic Surgery w/ Dr. Miller

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