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I Hate My Nose After Rhinoplasty: What to Do?

If you’re having some regrets after your rhinoplasty, keep in mind final results won’t present themselves right away. You’re not going to be able to see the true aesthetic results of your rhinoplasty until it’s fully healed, which will take up to a year or longer. 

But what about when you’ve healed from your original procedure, and you still regret your rhinoplasty? Let’s dive into some of the reasons why this might happen, and what you can do about it – especially if you can get to Manhattan, New York or New Orleans, Louisiana for revision rhinoplasty.

Is it normal to not like your nose after rhinoplasty?

If you’ve been watching your rhinoplasty heal over time and you’re still thinking “I don’t like my nose”, it’s not unheard of. As many as 10-15% of cosmetic nose surgeries result in unhappy clients who will choose to undergo a second procedure to fix it. This commonly occurs for a few reasons:

  1. You may have trusted an inexperienced surgeon with inferior talent, resulting in lackluster nose surgery results. Rhinoplasty is one of the most complex of all facial plastic surgeries, requiring a great deal of precision, skill, and artistry to perform correctly. This is one reason why so many rhinoplasty procedures result in revisions. 
  2. A lack of communication between you and your doctor may have led to bad rhinoplasty results. Many failed nose jobs stem from the doctor thinking that their patient was looking for something that they didn’t express. 
  3. Complications can present themselves during the procedure or healing process that can lead to a bad rhinoplasty result overall. 
  4. Even in the best of hands and the most simple of procedures, rhinoplasty is not an entirely predictable operation as there are many factors after the surgery that play a role in forming the final result that you and your surgeon have no control over. 

When does your nose stop changing after a nose job?

There are a variety of rhinoplasty changes that occur over time during your healing process. That’s part of why it’s strongly encouraged to hold off on a revision rhinoplasty until you can see the full results after 12-18 months of healing. Until that time, the final form or function of the nose won’t be apparent. 

Swelling and unactualized results may make your nose seem too big, too short, look the same as it did before, look fat, or feel weird after rhinoplasty. This can lead to post-rhinoplasty depression – but if you let yourself heal, you will find you have options to improve your results.

What Do I Do If I’m Unhappy with My Rhinoplasty?

After you’ve given your nose adequate time to heal, what happens if you’re still unhappy with the results? First, let’s go through the types of issues that commonly manifest as undesirable results, or a nose job fail.

Pinched Tip

This happens when too much cartilage is removed from the tip of the nose, leading to less than ideal aesthetic results. This can also reduce functionality, leading to breathing troubles. Over time, a lack of support to the tip will result in a collapse of the shape of the nostrils.

Here’s a correction of a nasal tip through a revision rhinoplasty performed by Dr. Miller:

i hate my nose job what to do
Rhinoplasty using NatraNose technique to improve the shape and profile of the nose of a female patient. After surgery, bridge and tip are improved and more proportionate to other facial features.
pinched nose tip correction before and after

Short Nose

If too much cartilage is removed during the initial rhinoplasty, the appearance of a “short nose” may result. Through the use of specialized grafts and reinstating cartilage, a more natural-looking shape can be returned to the nose with a revision rhinoplasty.

Here’s an example of some of Dr. Miller’s work in this area:

Revision rhinoplasty with chin implant to improve facial profile by Dr. Miller. Surgery refines nasal tip and adds definition to jawline for a more attractive profile.
Revision rhinoplasty with chin implant to improve facial profile by Dr. Miller. Surgery refines nasal tip and adds definition to jawline for a more attractive profile.

Crooked/Twisted Bridge

A “crooked” or “twisted” appearance can occur as a result of nasal trauma. This can be corrected by making the nose symmetrical again by rearranging the cartilage and the bone.

Here are some examples of Dr. Miller’s work that focus on symmetry:

Side shot of a young woman before and after her rhinoplasty, NYC, NY.
Image comparing the face of a male patient before and after he had a rhinoplasty. The procedure has contoured the nose giving a nicely toned appearance
Revision rhinoplasty to correct nasal bridge and tip on a female patient by Dr. Miller. Surgery straightens nasal bridge and refines tip to produce a more attractive facial profile.

How to tell your plastic surgeon you are unhappy?

After going through the emotionally and physically exhaustive process of planning and completing your initial rhinoplasty, it can seem daunting to consider going through those steps again. After experiencing a bad nose surgery, you wouldn’t want to spend that time and money again for another rhinoplasty fail. However, the first logical step is to address your concerns with the surgeon who performed your initial surgery.  

If your original surgeon cannot provide you with a satisfactory response to your issues, you may need to look for another surgeon to perform revision rhinoplasty for you. The most important factor here is the plastic surgeon you choose

A board-certified facial plastic surgeon is often the best choice for a revision rhinoplasty procedure. These specialists have intimate knowledge of the nose, studying first as an ear, nose, and throat specialist. The addition of plastic surgery training ensures these surgeons have both the expertise and the artistry to enhance the appearance of the nose while preserving function. 

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How Can I Fix My Rhinoplasty?

Philip J. Miller, MD, FACS, is a board-certified facial plastic surgeon who specializes in procedures for the nose and face. He offers his proprietary NatraLook® Process, which is a patient-centric approach to understanding your needs, listening to your expectations, and going through every step with communication and trust. With a technique that combines artistry and science, Dr. Miller has performed over 5,000 successful surgeries. 

You need a surgeon with proven abilities, who has achieved a high success rate in producing the most natural-looking and aesthetically-pleasing rhinoplasty results in Manhattan, New York, and New Orleans, Louisiana. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Miller today by calling 646-791-3025, or booking online.

Learn how rhinoplasty can make a nose appear smaller here

Surgical or Liquid (Non-Surgical) Rhinoplasty: Which one is right for me?

When it comes to getting a nose job, there are two basic options: surgical or non-surgical. Surgical rhinoplasty requires anesthesia, incisions, and downtime, but produces permanent improvement. A non-surgical rhinoplasty, commonly known as a liquid rhinoplasty, is a less invasive option that utilizes injectable fillers to temporarily change the appearance of the nose.

When considering a rhinoplasty, it is essential to realize that different types of rhinoplasty procedures are used, depending on the severity of alterations. Individualizing a rhinoplasty procedure ensures that results are natural and balanced to your unique facial features.

What is liquid rhinoplasty?

Liquid rhinoplasty is a non-surgical alternative to a surgical rhinoplasty procedure that uses injectable dermal fillers to make the nose more appealing. This less invasive option may produce pleasing results with a quicker approach and less recovery time. 

Juvederm® and Restylane® are two common dermal fillers used for liquid rhinoplasty. Juvederm is an FDA-approved volume enhancer containing hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body. Restylane is another hyaluronic acid injectable that restores and rejuvenates the skin. These fillers can add hydration and volume to the nose and alter the shape for a more appealing appearance.

Even though liquid rhinoplasty is not a surgical procedure, it still requires skill and experience to inject the filler into the correct area for intended results. The process is quick and patients can return to normal daily activities after the injection. It is an effective alternative with many benefits, including:

  • Non-invasive
  • Minimal downtime
  • Safe and effective
  • Instant results
  • Smoother nose shape
  • More balanced appearance

What’s the difference between liquid and regular rhinoplasty?

Surgical and liquid rhinoplasty are two very different procedures with different processes, results, recovery, costs, and expectations. Take a look at the breakdown:

Surgical Rhinoplasty:

  • Requires anesthesia
  • Manipulates the skin, bone, and cartilage to reshape and resize the nose
  • Repairs medical conditions like a deviated septum or other functional issues
  • Requires downtime of at least one week before returning to work and daily activities
  • Is associated with side effects like swelling, bruising, and tenderness 
  • Provides a permanent solution
  • Offers the option to combine procedures for complete facial balance

Liquid Rhinoplasty:

  • Is minimally invasive
  • Requires minimal downtime and discomfort
  • Can improve the shape of the nose
  • Camouflages bumps and adds volume
  • Takes little time to perform 
  • Provides instant results
  • Is associated with minimal swelling, bruising, and tenderness
  • Requires regular appointments to maintain results

How much does liquid rhinoplasty cost in NYC?

The cost of rhinoplasty procedures varies by patient and depends on the treatment plan. Non-surgical rhinoplasty costs typically range from $300-$1300 per treatment. Some of the factors that impact price include:

  • Type of dermal fillers used
  • Number and amount of filler injected
  • Experience and expertise of injector 

It is also important to understand that liquid rhinoplasty is not a permanent solution and requires regular appointments to maintain the desired shape. Patients can learn more about the specific costs of liquid rhinoplasty during a consultation with Dr. Miller.

@drphilipjmiller #liquidrhinoplasty ! In 10 minutes, no down time, you will have a new nose that last about 2 years. Call today and book a session with me! #nonsurgicalrhinoplasty ♬ original sound – Sam Smith

How much does surgical rhinoplasty cost in NYC?

Surgical rhinoplasty encompasses a wide range of possible alterations and additional steps, such as a graft or implant. Due to the variance in procedure possibilities, there is also a wide range of costs. An average surgical rhinoplasty procedure in New York City ranges from $3,500-$25,000. During a consultation, Dr. Miller will explain the treatment plan and expected costs.

How long does liquid rhinoplasty last?

Unlike a surgical rhinoplasty, liquid rhinoplasty is not a permanent solution. This treatment requires regular appointments to maintain your pleasing results. Results vary by patient depending on how many dermal fillers were used, where they were injected, and the level of correction required. Many patients see results for around 18 months before needing a touch-up session. Dr. Miller and his expert team will evaluate your nose and treatment plan for a suggested maintenance schedule to keep a natural and well-balanced nose shape.

How long does surgical rhinoplasty last?

Surgical rhinoplasty is a permanent procedure that has lifelong results. Once the nose is reshaped and altered, it will remain in its new state with proper care.

Which one is better: surgical or non-surgical rhinoplasty?

Both procedures are practical and effective solutions, depending on the patient’s specific needs and desires. Philip Miller, MD, FACS, strives to help patients achieve aesthetic confidence and natural results using the NatraLook® process. During your consultation, Dr. Miller discusses your concerns and expectations to identify which procedure is right for you and create a unified treatment plan.

Dr. Miller is a double board-certified surgeon in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery and head and neck surgery. He is a world-class surgeon and leading expert in rhinoplasty and facial rejuvenation. With more than 20 years of expertise, Dr. Miller works closely with patients to identify their needs and desires to create unmatched results.

rhinoplasty results to reduce the size of the nose in NYC

Contact us to schedule a consultation and learn more about which rhinoplasty procedure is right for you. 

5 Rhinoplasty Trends in 2022

Rhinoplasty surgery was the most frequently requested cosmetic surgery in 2020, with over 352,000 procedures performed. 

Facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Philip Miller in New York City—one of the country’s leading experts in rhinoplasty and facial rejuvenation—can help you achieve a nose you’ll love. You may choose traditional rhinoplasty to reduce or reshape the nose. For other patients, non-surgical rhinoplasty is the right choice to achieve their aesthetic goals. 

rhinoplasty before and after results in NYC Let’s look ahead at five rhinoplasty trends we expect to see in 2022. 

1. Zoom Boom Brings Rhinoplasty Boom 

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 was a challenging year for many businesses. But for Zoom, the video-conferencing giant, lockdown and working from home brought unprecedented growth. 

Zoom usage jumped 67% between January 2020 and mid-March, when non-essential businesses and schools closed. The Zoom Boom also resulted in significant growth to an entirely different industry—cosmetic surgery. 

The built-in cameras on our computers are clearly not designed to flatter the human face, and many people weren’t pleased with the reflection they saw on their computer screens. 

The unflattering camera angle highlights facial flaws, such as wrinkling and sagging. People noticed unfamiliar lines, creases, and asymmetries as they saw themselves speaking on camera. 

It’s not surprising that the Zoom phenomenon caused a booming demand for cosmetic procedures such as dermal injectables, laser treatments, and eye lifts. 

On a Zoom conference call, the position of the computer’s camera relative to the user puts the focus on the center of the face, making the nose appear larger. As a result, demand for rhinoplasty significantly increased as well, and will likely continue into the New Year. 

2. The Need for Natural 

male rhinoplasty before and after results in New York City

In Manhattan, Dr. Miller is renowned for the natural results he achieves for his patients, both with traditional rhinoplasty—for patients desiring more significant changes and permanent results—as well as non-surgical rhinoplasty, for patients seeking relatively minor corrections. As demands for natural results will continue to be a factor in 2022, Dr. Miller is prepared to deliver satisfying results to his New York patients.

Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, is a surgical procedure that can improve the appearance of the nose by reshaping, reducing, augmenting the tissue, removing a bump, or adjusting the angle between the nose and the mouth.

A major benefit of rhinoplasty is that it’s typically a “one-and-done” procedure. Once the surgery is complete and the nose has fully healed, patients can enjoy the improvements over their lifetime.

If you’re dissatisfied with your nose because of minor depressions or hollows that affect its overall appearance, non-surgical rhinoplasty may be the right solution for you. Non-surgical nose jobs are safe and effective, providing immediate results with exceptionally short recovery time. With this non-invasive procedure, injectable fillers are used to make small yet dramatic modifications to the nose. 

Non-surgical rhinoplasty has its limitations, however. Since corrections are made with dermal fillers that ultimately dissolve, results aren’t permanent. Non-surgical nose jobs aren’t appropriate for every nose and can’t reduce the size of the nose. 

Results will vary by patient, but the longevity of a non-surgical nose job is typically between 8-24 months. During your consultation, Dr. Miller will determine which fillers might help you achieve the best results and how long the improvement might last. 

3. Faster Recovery Times 

Plastic surgeons today are starting to use techniques to minimize post-procedure discomfort and healing time. Rhinoplasty is typically performed as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia, and patients return home on the same day. While you may be up and moving within 24 hours, expect to take up to a week off from work or school as you heal. 

For the first several days, you’ll need to keep your head elevated and apply ice packs to reduce swelling. Most swelling and bruising subsides within a week following rhinoplasty. Nasal dressings, splints, and sutures are removed at about seven days after surgery. At this point, any residual bruising can be effectively camouflaged with makeup. Most patients feel comfortable appearing in public at about 7-10 days post-surgery.

Swelling will continue to subside and the nose may continue to improve in definition for up to a year after surgery. However, beyond the first week, these changes are subtle and typically not noticed by others. Many patients are pleasantly surprised at how quickly they recover from rhinoplasty. 

4. The Combination Approach

Achieving facial balance sometimes means making adjustments to the chin at the same time as the nose. Dr. Miller’s expertise with both procedures produces superior results. 

nose job before and after results in NYCWhen rhinoplasty surgery is performed to improve the overall shape and appearance of a nose, a receding chin could diminish the aesthetic effect of the face, making it look unbalanced. 

To achieve the best possible results with rhinoplasty, the proportions of the entire face must be considered. If your chin is well defined and proportionate to your new nose, your overall appearance will be aesthetically enhanced by rhinoplasty alone.

If you have a receding chin, however, chin augmentation surgery performed along with rhinoplasty surgery can give your face balance that rhinoplasty alone could not have achieved. Therefore, many board-certified plastic surgeons are beginning to suggest chin augmentation with rhinoplasty for certain patients.

Recovery after a chin implant takes around two weeks. You may experience swelling, tenderness, and bruising in the chin area immediately after the procedure, but most of these symptoms will diminish within about a week. Eating soft foods during the first week after surgery will help to make your recovery period more comfortable.

5. Image Morphing 

The ability to “see” your results before surgery is a benefit that more patients are wanting from their rhinoplasty surgeon. At his Manhattan office, Dr. Miller uses computer imaging to help patients visualize their new nose before undergoing surgery. Besides helping communicate the goals of the patient to the surgeon before the procedure, image morphing also helps ensure patient expectations are in line with results.

If you have difficulty visualizing what your ‘after’ may look like, image morphing can help. While the final result may not be absolutely identical to the morphed picture, it provides a good idea of what you can expect.

The NatraLook Process

Aesthetic Confidence is the sense of empowerment we feel about the way we look, dress, design, and decorate. It dovetails with confidence in our abilities, intellect, and emotions. The NatraLook Process focuses exclusively on the look component of Aesthetic Confidence. The NatraLook Process is an enriching experience through which you explore and ultimately boost your aesthetic confidence by enhancing your appearance.

The NatraLook process evaluates and expands the typical plastic surgery experience into a safe, non-intimidating opportunity to explore your aesthetic confidence. It creates a unified vision of your desired result so that you and New York surgeon Dr. Philip Miller know what to expect. 

Contact an Expert Plastic Surgeon to Learn More About Rhinoplasty in New York City

Whichever procedure you ultimately choose, Dr. Miller can help you achieve your goals. His approach combines art and science with skill and innovation, providing patients in Manhattan, New York, aesthetically pleasing, natural results that are always in style.

To learn more about rhinoplasty surgery and non-surgical nose jobs, contact us online or call our practice in New York. One of our patient advisers will be happy to help you.

Fresh Face for Fall

Have you been considering cosmetic work, but aren’t sure when the best time may be to have your procedure? Fall is the perfect time for several reasons, so schedule your consultation now. 

4 Reasons Fall is the Perfect Time for Cosmetic Surgery

1. Avoid the sun and heat.

With the cool autumn weather, you won’t have to worry about inflammation or skin damage from sun exposure or hot temperatures. 

2. Recover before the holidays.

If you have your surgery done in the fall, you can recover before the festivities begin. You’ll feel refreshed and ready to enjoy time with your loved ones during the holiday season.

3. Greater Scheduling Flexibility.

Many patients schedule cosmetic procedures in late winter or early spring. By scheduling your cosmetic procedure during the fall, you’re more likely to get the best appointment date for your schedule. 

4. Treat yourself before the holidays.

Before the frenzy of  the holiday season begins, why not treat yourself to some much-deserved self care and a new look to greet the New Year? 

Turn Back the Clock with a Facelift

Manhattan’s world-renowned facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Philip Miller, specializes in facelifts and rhinoplasty. He offers several facelift options: a traditional facelift, a mini facelift, a Micro Lift, or the proprietary Miller lift. One of these is sure to be the right one for you. 

Facelift Options

A facelift, or rhytidectomy, may be the perfect procedure for you if you’re looking for results that significantly turn back the clock. This procedure removes excess or sagging facial skin for a renewed, youthful look. 

During a traditional facelift, incisions are made at the hairline and continue in front of and behind the ears, extending to the lower scalp. Fat can be redistributed from your face and neck through these incisions, or liposuction may be used for the removal of excess fat. Muscles and skin are lifted and tightened. 

Facelift, neck lift, dermabrasion and earlobe repair to enhance the appearance of a female patient by Dr. Miller. Surgery and treatment reduces jowl formation and wrinkles while firming and smoothing skin.

Incisions made during facelift surgery are hidden in the natural creases of your face and hairline, and meticulously closed with sutures to minimize visibility after your procedure. Drainage tubes may be inserted but can be removed in 1-2 days. Sutures are removed between 5-10 days.

A mini facelift targets those areas of the face that are just beginning to wrinkle and sag. The incisions are shorter than a traditional facelift, and often confined to the front of the ear only. The mini facelift requires local anesthesia and can be performed in 90 minutes or less. 

The innovative, minimally invasive Micro Lift mimics the improved appearance that comes with pulled-back hair. It can be a perfect option for patients in their 20s-40s who want to erase early signs of aging. Comfortable, safe, quick, and performed under local anesthesia, the Micro Lift takes less than an hour in the office and requires little post-procedure downtime. 

mini facelift before and after results in NY, NY

The Miller Lift is a proprietary, custom-designed liquid facelift technique that uses a combination of fillers, such as Juvéderm® and Restylane®, to soften and fill out lines and wrinkles. Besides smoothing wrinkles, facial fillers can address volume loss in the cheeks, chin, lips, and other contours of the face. 

Along with facial fillers, Dr. Miller performs injections of Botox Cosmetic® to address the dynamic wrinkles associated with facial expressions, such as forehead wrinkles, frown lines, and crow’s feet. Collagen stimulators, such as Sculptra, and fat eliminators, such as Kybella, round out the Miller Lift. Results can last for up to two years. 

Achieve Balance with a Rhinoplasty

Surgical vs. Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Surgical rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, adjusts, corrects, or reduces the look of the nose. Dr. Miller will consider the prominence of your cheeks, your jawline, your skin thickness and quality, and the overall dimensions of your nose before advising you how to achieve the changes you want while maintaining overall facial balance. 

A major benefit of rhinoplasty is that it’s typically a “one-and-done” procedure. Once the procedure is complete and the nose has fully healed, patients can enjoy the results for a lifetime. 

Rhinoplasty to remove nasal hump and refine tip by Dr. Miller. After surgery, dorsal hump is gone and nasal tip is slightly rotated for a more attractive profile.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty, also known as liquid rhinoplasty, uses injectable fillers to make subtle, yet dramatic changes to your appearance.

Non-surgical nose jobs are safe and effective, providing immediate results with exceptionally short recovery time. With this non-invasive procedure, injectable fillers are used to make small yet dramatic modifications to the nose. 

Non-surgical rhinoplasty has its limitations, however. Since corrections are made with dermal fillers that ultimately dissolve, results aren’t permanent. Non-surgical nose jobs aren’t appropriate for every nose and can’t reduce the size of the nose. 

Results will vary by patient, but the longevity of a non-surgical nose job is typically between 8-24 months. During your consultation, Dr. Miller will give you an idea about what you might expect from your results as well as how long they might last.

Quick Pick-Me-Ups: Botox and Dermal Fillers

Surgery isn’t your only option for rejuvenating your appearance. Injectables minimize wrinkles and add volume in areas that lack fullness. With little-to-no downtime, injectables deliver results in a matter of days so that you can enjoy your fresh, youthful appearance right away.

Botox relaxes the muscles that pull on the skin to form wrinkles. Botox Cosmetic is superior to dermal fillers for minimizing frown lines, horizontal furrows on the forehead, and crow’s feet around the eyes. It can also be used around the lips, around the nose, or on the bands of the neck. Results last up to four months.

Dermal fillers, including Restylane® and Juvéderm®, are gel-like substances that restore volume. They fill in creases and static wrinkles, which form from gradual volume loss. Hollow cheeks, saggy jowls, and under-eye bags are common treatment areas for dermal fillers, which can last up to 12 months or more.

restylane filler for non-surgical facelift in new york

Dr. Miller and his team of skin specialists in New York provide the latest and most effective wrinkle treatments. Using various injectables, Dr. Miller can restore facial volume, reduce deep wrinkles, and help rejuvenate and lift the face.

Natural Results for a Beautiful 2022

Aesthetic Confidence® is the sense of empowerment we feel about the way we look, dress, design, and decorate. It dovetails with confidence in our abilities, intellect, and emotions. The NatraLook Process focuses exclusively on the look component of Aesthetic Confidence. The NatraLook Process is an enriching experience through which you can explore and ultimately boost your aesthetic confidence by enhancing your appearance.

The NatraLook process evaluates and expands the typical plastic surgery experience into a safe, non-intimidating opportunity to explore your aesthetic confidence. It provides a reassuring, supportive, and positive environment. It creates a unified vision of your desired result so that you and New York surgeon Dr. Philip Miller know what to expect.

The Next Step: Consulting with a Plastic Surgeon

Renowned for producing natural-looking results that exceed expectations, Dr. Philip Miller and his team of New York City’s top-rated facial plastic surgery experts provide custom cosmetic treatment plans. These include a combination of minimally invasive techniques and advanced procedures to help each patient achieve the Aesthetic Confidence® they desire.

After a comprehensive facial evaluation, Dr. Miller can recommend the best treatments to meet your goals. To discuss your full range of treatment options, contact his plastic surgery office today.


What’s Behind the Sudden Rise in Rhinoplasty Popularity?

Social media is a very visual medium –it’s a virtual place to see and be seen. Therefore, it’s no surprise how daily postings can somehow fuel our vanity or our quest for having the perfect selfie. Did you know that selfies can make your nose look about 30% larger? It’s because of how the camera on the phone distorts objects up close. Due to this, some people are convinced that no photo-editing app is good enough to make themselves and their noses look flawless and that undergoing plastic surgery is the only key to achieving social media-approved beauty. This has led to a meteoric rise in the popularity of rhinoplasty, also known as a “nose job.” 

Despite the apparent popularity of rhinoplasties, you should have a keen awareness that not just any surgeon is right for the job. One of the most crucial steps in guaranteeing a satisfactory nose procedure outcome is choosing the right surgeon. Rhinoplasty is one of the most challenging cosmetic procedures to perform, so you should only trust a surgeon with rhinoplasty expertise, experience, and skill. A great surgeon is also a good listener, a compassionate and patient caregiver, and an effective communicator.

For patients in New York City who seek a nose job with reasonable expectations and their desire comes from a “healthy place”—perhaps, to improve self-esteem or to correct a functional issue – facial plastic surgeon Dr. Philip Miller will combine his expertise and skill with his artistic eye to produce impeccable results that are life-changing.

Surgical And Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Options

before and after of a rhinoplasty in new york

Your nose is one of the most prominent features of the face as it brings balance to your facial profile.  That’s why it’s often the first thing people notice on your face. If you feel that your nose detracts from your whole face, diminishing the beauty of your eyes or other facial features, and more importantly, if you have trouble breathing, you may be a candidate for a rhinoplasty.

Voted among the Best Doctors in America and Top Doctor of New York since 2007, Dr. Miller has lectured on cutting edge rhinoplasty techniques, including his innovative NatraNose procedure,  and even written chapters for rhinoplasty and neck rejuvenation textbooks. He can provide custom cosmetic treatment plans that include a combination of advanced procedures and minimally-invasive techniques to help you achieve your desired results.

Which Nasal Procedure Is Right For You?

Nose shaping was the third most popular cosmetic surgical procedure performed in 2018 according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons report, so it is important to know the facts of what rhinoplasty means and the process behind the types of procedures. Each procedure will have its own set of advantages. While a non-surgical nose job will involve no pain, no recovery time, no scarring, and will cost less than a traditional rhinoplasty, it cannot address all nasal issues. A non-surgical rhinoplasty utilizes injectables, and injectables can only be used for augmentation and not a reduction. For larger cosmetic nose concerns, surgical rhinoplasty is still the best long-term solution. 

As a leading rhinoplasty surgeon who has devoted most of his career to the human nose, Dr. Miller can help recommend the best approach to achieve your aesthetic goals. He can even use virtual rhinoplasty to help you visualize nose job results from the comfort of his office. Virtual Rhinoplasty uses the latest in technology and computer imaging to provide patients with the ability to see what the results will look like even before undergoing any procedure. This gives you the opportunity to explore how different changes to your nose will impact the final results.

One major benefit of this technology is that it provides a visual tool for communication between surgeon and patient. This will help Dr. Miller understand your nose job goals as well as make the necessary recommendations that will ensure that both of you are on the same page before any procedure begins.

Rhinoplasty before and after of a female rhinoplasty in new york

A rhinoplasty can change the shape of your entire nose or just a small portion of it with the goal of making it fit more harmoniously with the rest of the face. These are the specific changes often requested during a nose job:

  • Improve the crooked appearance of the nose to achieve symmetry
  • Remove a bump or hump in the nose
  • Reduce the size of the nose
  • Increase the size of the nose
  • Reshape the nose
  • Narrow or refine the nasal tip
  • Alter the tip projection
  • Reduce Wide Nostrils

The 1 ½ – 2 ½ hour procedure may be done either under general anesthesia or under sedation. Most incisions are made inside the nostrils, or a small one made along the natural creases found on the sides or near the base of the nose.

Skin is then lifted from the underlying cartilage and bone, and the nose is recontoured and reconstructed. The incisions heal quickly and leave scars that are nearly invisible. Dr. Miller also offers variations of his nose surgery procedures depending on your age, gender, ethnicity, and desired goals. Examples are Teen Rhinoplasty, Male Rhinoplasty, MicroRhinoplasty, Ethnic Rhinoplasty, and Revision Rhinoplasty.

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Not everyone will need surgical rhinoplasty. As one of New York City’s top rhinoplasty surgeons, Dr. Miller understands that not every patient who desires to alter their nose will need invasive surgery to achieve dramatic results. For patients like these, or for those not ready for surgery and would like something temporary, Dr. Miller has developed a specialized area of practice that will give you the transformation you want using non-surgical methods.

Also referred to as a liquid rhinoplasty, a non-surgical nose job allows surgeons to alter the nose’s shape, size, the position of the nasal tip, or to hide bumps. It is a quick, pain-free alternative to invasive surgeries for correcting undesirable noise characteristics.

Hyaluronic acid fillers such as Restylane, Perlane, and Juvéderm are the preferred injectables for a liquid rhinoplasty. They are the easiest to mold and shape, and can be removed within 24 hours should you wish to have the results reversed. Radiesse may also be used under certain circumstances. When injected, these fillers will smooth and contour the existing nasal structure, helping you achieve a nose that creates facial balance and harmony. Results can last up to a year before the procedure needs to be repeated to maintain optimal results.

Consult With A Rhinoplasty Expert In New York

Double board-certified in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery as well as Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgery, Dr. Philip Miller is one of the country’s leading experts in rhinoplasty and facial rejuvenation. As a renowned facial plastic surgeon who trained as an ear, nose, and throat specialist, Dr. Miller has extensive experience dealing with the nose. For more than two decades in Manhattan, he has dedicated his career to providing patients with customized surgical and non-surgical facial procedures. To learn more, contact Dr. Miller today.

The Truth About Snapchat Dysmorphia

In addition to adorable puppy ears, floral headpieces, and new pairs of sunglasses to try on, Snapchat also offers face-perfecting filters that instantly smooth out your skin and give you bigger eyes, a smaller nose, and a thinner face. While it may seem all fun and games at first, teenagers can become obsessed with their filtered selfies and may go to great, social media-approved lengths to be able to “Facetune” their faces in real life, with the help of a cosmetic surgeon. Those who choose to undergo plastic surgery in New York City to look like their pixel-perfect selfies may be suffering from an underlying mental health condition called Snapchat Dysmorphia.

What Is Snapchat Dysmorphia?

Social media platforms like Snapchat and Instagram and photo-editing apps like Facetune are contributing to a dangerous trend where people are feeling insecure about not looking as beautiful and flawless as their own filtered selves that have garnered ego-boosting hearts and “likes” from their followers.  

Dubbed as “Snapchat Dysmorphia” by a group of dermatologists at Boston University, this new phenomenon has patients seeking out cosmetic surgeries in an attempt to look identical with the filtered versions of themselves –with a thinner nose, bigger eyes, and fuller lips. The paper which was published in the JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery Viewpoint also mentions how Snapchat Dysmorphia is a new twist on the condition known as Body Dysmorphic Disorder in which people have an excessive preoccupation with their perceived flaws. What is happening right now is a significant rise in “selfie” surgery requests and instead of patients bringing in photos of celebrities who possess their ideal nose or face shape, they are now presenting highly-edited selfies fit for an airbrushed cover of a glossy magazine. “This is an alarming trend because those filtered selfies often present an unattainable look and are blurring the line of reality and fantasy for these patients,” the paper read. 

Social media, it seems, is shaping our concept of beauty and is putting the spotlight on our flaws as we attempt to achieve physical perfection offline. No matter how advanced and innovative the techniques in plastic surgery are today, attempting to measure up to your altered images can be unrealistic, unattainable, and unhealthy. This is why it is important that you consult with a double-board certified facial plastic surgeon like Dr. Philip Miller. Dr. Miller and his team can help you achieve healthy aesthetic changes that can highlight your natural, unfiltered beauty. 

No Filter Needed

Dr. Miller and his New York team can help you healthily achieve your aesthetic goals. His expertise ensures you will have a natural and refreshed look, not just what you see in altered and heavily filter pictures. 

 Dr. Miller has a variety of options, from surgical procedures such as rhinoplasty, neck lift, chin implant, jawline augmentation, and otoplasty, to non-surgical options that can be done over a lunch break.

Non-Surgical Treatment Options

Some of the best available treatments today don’t even need a scalpel and can be done in a lunch hour with minimal downtime. And what is brilliant about these non-surgical procedures is that you will still look like yourself –just fresher, younger, and more radiant with glowing skin, a sharper nose, and a taut jawline. These are the non-surgical face and skin-transforming treatments that can be performed by Dr. Miller:

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty 

Also referred to as a liquid rhinoplasty, a non-surgical nose job allows the surgeon to subtly alter the nose’s size, shape, position of the nasal tip, as well as straighten the nose and hide bumps through the use of injectable fillers. 

A non-surgical nose job is a pain-free alternative to surgical procedures for correcting undesirable nasal characteristics. And since injectable fillers are used, the results are immediate. In addition, if you are unsatisfied with the results, the fillers can be dissolved within 24 hours. Non-surgical rhinoplasty has no long-term effects, making you a potential candidate for a traditional rhinoplasty in the future should you still desire to undergo the procedure. A MicroRhinoplasty™ is a less invasive alternative to a traditional rhinoplasty as well. 

Dr. Miller is considered one of the country’s leading experts in rhinoplasty and facial rejuvenation and has even lectured on innovative rhinoplasty techniques as well as written chapters for rhinoplasty textbooks. 


Those who want to look more youthful by smoothing their fine lines and wrinkles are good candidates for Botox injections. FDA-approved to treat crow’s feet and frown lines, Botox works by blocking nerve impulses to the facial muscles, causing dynamic wrinkles to soften and relax. Skin will appear smoother and less wrinkled, giving you a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance.

Dermal Fillers 

With over 20 years of experience, Dr. Miller is recognized as an expert in facial rejuvenation procedures, including filler injections. Dermal fillers are made from hyaluronic acid (HA) which is a natural substance within the skin that’s responsible for keeping the skin supple and hydrated while adding volume. We lose HA as we age, resulting in skin’s lack of moisture, strength, and volume. When injected into the skin (cheeks, around the eyes and mouth area, chin, or lips), fillers will replace lost volume to plump and contour the face. Examples of dermal fillers include Juvéderm and its products (Voluma, Ultra, Ultra Plus, and Volbella), Restylane, and Radiesse (calcium hydroxylapatite).

Dermal fillers combined with Botox can work wonders in rejuvenating the face. They create a powerful anti-aging treatment that gives the face a natural lift as they relax and fill in those lines, wrinkles, and hollow areas while redefining the contours of the face. 

Treatments For Skin Resurfacing and Tightening

Laser, light, and energy devices can help address signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles, blemishes, and pigmentation through short and direct pulsating beams of light that create heat points or micro-injuries in various depths of the skin, triggering the skin’s natural healing process. Skin becomes smoother, tighter, and clearer, with improved tone and texture. Examples of treatments include:

  • CO2 Resurfacing Laser Treatment – creates microscopic treatment areas where shafts of intense light penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. During the healing process, old, damaged skin is replaced with new skin that is smoother, tighter, and more radiant. The laser effectively treats acne scars, blotchy skin, deeper wrinkles, and scars from surgery or trauma. 
  • Ultherapy – Dr. Miller is among the first in New York City to offer the Ultherapy treatment for toning and lifting loose, lax skin without any downtime. It uses safe ultrasound energy to trigger collagen production, resulting in tighter skin and a more youthful, contoured appearance on the brow, chin, and neck. 
  • Fractora & Fractora Firm – Fractora utilizes fractional radiofrequency technology to resurface the skin, effectively correcting common skin concerns such as fine lines and deep wrinkles, redness, brown spots, visible blood vessels, and poor skin texture. On the other hand, Fractora Firm is an advanced skin rejuvenation treatment that uses thermal energy to deeply heat beneath the skin, stimulating collagen formation which results in tighter, more youthful, and glowing skin.

Choosing the Right Surgeon

Focusing exclusively on the face for more than two decades in New York City, double board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Philip Miller seamlessly blends art and science with skill and innovation to provide his thousands of patients with impeccable results. With his compassionate and empathetic approach to treating patients, he will work with you to highlight your best attributes instead of focusing on your flaws. And with the many non-surgical procedures he can perform, transformation need not be drastic. Enhancing your features could mean subtle yet beautiful, natural-looking results that will help you achieve the best version of yourself.

Consult With New York’s Facial Plastic Surgery Specialist

Dr. Philip Miller and his team of top-rated facial plastic surgery experts can provide you with a custom cosmetic treatment plan consisting of a combination of advanced, non-surgical procedures that will help you achieve the Aesthetic Confidence you desire. To learn more, contact Dr. Miller today.