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Should You Get A Facelift After Massive Weight Loss?

Losing weight is often a long and frustrating journey that requires hard work and dedication. The result of your efforts can include loose or sagging skin, which may require surgery to put the finishing touch on your weight loss efforts. A facelift helps patients achieve the contour for a seamless face and neck.

How does weight loss change your face?

Weight loss can change the contour and appearance of your face. Whether through strict diet and exercise or intervention like bariatric surgery, weight loss can impact the skin and face in a multi-dimensional manner leaving the face looking hollow in some areas when fat is lost.

Another facial change that can happen after significant weight loss is sagging skin. Skin does not always shrink to match your frame, and when patients experience significant weight loss, it can remove fat but leave skin laxity that doesn’t bounce back if the change occurred too quickly. 

facelift after a massive weight loss

After massive weight loss, you may want to make an appointment with an experienced facial plastic surgeon who can assess your skin changes and determine the best treatment plan for your specific needs. Plastic surgeons sometimes recommend facelifts to patients that are healthy and have achieved their target goal on the scale.

Each person experiences the impact of weight loss differently. Some see facial changes within a matter of weeks while don’t see the effects of weight loss for many months. Your plastic surgeon may suggest different injectables during your weight loss journey to help your face appear symmetrical and reduce sunken areas. A complete facelift is most successful after weight loss is complete to ensure there are no further changes to the face after surgery.

Does losing weight make your face look younger?

While weight loss can drastically change your appearance, weight loss alone does not always make you look younger. Many individuals define an attractive face as contoured and full. Unfortunately, weight loss can have the opposite effect on the face, leaving behind hollow areas, sagging skin, and an overall deflated look. Sagging skin can also lead to deep folds and wrinkles for a more aged appearance.

Facelift to address skin sagging and loss of volume by Dr. Miller. After surgery, patient has a more defined jawline and cheekbones and looks refreshed and more youthful.
does facelift makes you look younger

Fortunately, these skin concerns can be addressed with a facelift. A facelift lifts and tightens skin, removes excess skin and fat, and reshape portions of the face like the jawline and jowls. There are several types of facelift procedures that can help patients look younger after massive weight loss:

  • Traditional facelift: This is a complete facelift with incisions made around the hairline, ears, and lower scalp so that fat can be redistributed or removed and underlying layers can be lifted and tightened.
  • Mini facelift: The mini lift is less extensive and has a shorter incision length that targets more focused areas. This outpatient procedure requires local anesthesia in most cases and recovery tends to be shorter than with a traditional facelift.
  • Thread lift: A temporary, dissolvable barbed suture is threaded into the skin along the temple or jawline that lifts the skin and stimulates collagen production.
  • Deep plane facelift: This type of facelift involves access to the underlying SMAS tissue and actually releases ligaments that tend to keep the SMAS in a specific position. This technique allows for lift in the lower and midface for natural and dramatic improvement.
  • Micro lift: This innovative procedure mimics the results of pulled-back hair in a ponytail. It is minimally invasive and subtly lifts the eyes and tightens the skin for sharper cheekbones.

Do jowls and sagging face go away after losing weight?

Unfortunately, jowls and sagging faces do not always resolve after weight loss. In some cases, they may even become more defined. While weight loss can slenderize the face, this improvement is often hidden by sagging skin and lack of contour. Facelifts have many benefits in reducing jowls and improving facial balance and beauty, including:

  • Create a well-defined jawline
  • Lift and tighten sagging skin
  • Eliminate loose jowls
  • Reduce deep fold, fine lines, and wrinkles
  • Rejuvenate skin
  • Produce a younger and healthier appearance

Double-board certified facial plastic surgeon, Philip J. Miller, MD, FACS, provides innovation and expertise to patients looking for seamless and natural results at his New York City, NY, and New Orleans, LA, offices. Contact us to schedule a consultation and learn more about facelift procedures after weight loss. 

What Age is Normal to Get Wrinkles?

There really is no “normal” age when we start to notice wrinkles. Their formation depends on a variety of factors – some of which we can control and others we can’t. While your friend might start to notice fine lines around the eyes in her 20s, you might not see lines develop until almost a decade later.

Wrinkles are a normal part of aging. Some wrinkles are the result of repeated facial expressions like squinting or smiling. Others occur because of collagen depletion in the dermal structure, which leads to skin laxity and facial creasing. Factors that might accelerate this process include genetics, sun damage, poor diet, and lifestyle choices like smoking and drinking alcohol.

What age do wrinkles start appearing?

The aging process is different for each patient. Many people show the first signs of aging in their mid-20s as our bodies begin to produce less collagen and sun damage can take an early toll. Prominent signs of aging like wrinkles often appear on the face, neck, hands, and forearms, with the most noticeable areas on the neck and face. While aging cannot be stopped, there are many ways to promote healthy skin and reduce wrinkles, sun damage, sagging skin, and other signs of aging.

Upper blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) to lift upper eyelids and refresh the appearance in a male patient. After surgery, eye contour is smoother with fewer wrinkles when patient squints.

Are wrinkles normal at 20?

As individuals move out of their teens and into their 20s, signs of aging can begin to appear. The first signs of wrinkles in your 20s are movement lines around the brow, mouth, and eyes, due to repetitive movements like smiling, laughing, and frowning. Significant wrinkles and lines on the forehead and other areas are not typical. If they do occur this early, they can likely be attributed to factors like excessive sun damage or lifestyle choices like smoking.

Are wrinkles normal at 30?

Most people still have a youthful appearance in their 30s without significant wrinkles. Wrinkles and fine lines may become more apparent in the mid-to-late 30s, or even sooner depending on sun exposure and other variables. The most common spots for lines at this age are between the eyebrows (frown lines) and the triangle areas between the nose and corners of the mouth (nasolabial folds).

What causes wrinkles?

Wrinkles are just one of the many changes to our skin as we age. As we grow older, our skin loses elasticity and becomes thinner and more translucent. Aging skin is more fragile and retains less moisture, making it easier for wrinkles to form. While age is a major contributing factor to wrinkles, there are many causes, including:

  • Repetitive facial movements
  • Sun damage
  • Smoking and alcohol consumption
  • Lack of proper skin care
  • Dehydration 
New York Botox Wrinkle Treatment

Wrinkle Prevention

Aging is an inevitable process, but there are many preventative measures that can keep skin looking young, healthy, and wrinkle-free, including:

  • Sun Protection: Sun exposure is the leading cause of premature aging and can be prevented with proper protection like hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen. Sun protection should be worn every day to avoid damaging ultraviolet rays from penetrating your skin, even if it is overcast.
  • Moisture: A quality moisturizer helps nourish and hydrate the skin, especially ones containing hyaluronic acid. Dry skin is more prone to wrinkles, and daily moisturizers can prevent wrinkles.
  • Water: Drinking enough water each day is essential for overall health and skin health. Water can help flush toxins, regulate digestion, and keep your skin hydrated from the inside out to promote a youthful appearance.
  • Diet and Exercise: Eating vitamin-rich foods like salmon, avocados, vegetables, and leafy greens are key to absorbing nutrients and antioxidants that promote healthy skin cells. Exercise increases blood flow to the dermal tissue, helping you maintain a rosy glow and keeping skin in top condition. 

Wrinkle Treatment

Wrinkles are inevitable at some point, despite our best efforts. There are treatments to help reduce those lines and promote a youthful appearance, from minimally-invasive dermal fillers to facelift surgery. Gotham Plastic Surgery in New York offers:

  • Dermabrasion: A skin resurfacing procedure that removes the top layer of skin for rejuvenation and reduction in wrinkles and other signs of aging.
  • Botox®: This injectable treatment effectively reduces facial lines like crow’s feet, frown lines, worry lines, forehead lines, and neck wrinkles.
  • Liquid facelift: A non-surgical treatment that combines facial fillers like Restylane and Juvederm to reduce wrinkles and add volume.
wrinkle treatment before and after in new york
Facelift to address skin sagging and loss of volume by Dr. Miller. After surgery, patient has a more defined jawline and cheekbones and looks refreshed and more youthful.
  • FaceTite: This non-surgical treatment delivers radiofrequency energy into the dermal tissue to tighten skin and boost collagen levels for a reduction in visible wrinkles. 
  • MicroLift: This less invasive surgical facelift technique resembles the result you get when you pull up your hair in a tight ponytail. With smaller incisions and a shorter recovery time, it can be a good option for younger patients before they opt for a deep plane facelift.  
  • Deep plane facelift and neck lift: These surgical procedures remove and tighten skin, while repositioning fat and tissue to reduce sagging and wrinkles.

Schedule Your Wrinkle Treatment at our Manhattan Office

Gotham Plastic Surgery is an innovative practice that serves patients in a discreet, confidential, and accredited facility. Led by Dr. Philip Miller, a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon, our team works closely with patients to identify the best wrinkle treatment plans to help patients look younger, healthier, and more natural.  

Dr. Miller uses the NatraLook® process to empower patients to explore their aesthetic confidence and naturally enhance their appearance. Gotham Plastic Surgery in New York is a safe and positive environment to discuss personal desires and achieve beauty goals through a unified vision.

Contact us to schedule a consultation and learn more about our wrinkle treatments. 

Next, read about your options with Three Types of Facelifts.

How to Reduce Swelling after Lip Fillers

Swelling after lip fillers is a common concern, but the good news is there are simple ways to reduce swelling, like cool compresses and elevation. When you know how to treat this side effect, you can go into your lip filler treatments with less anxiety and more confidence. 

Lip shape and size are important measures of beauty and age. Typically, small, thin lips are not considered beautiful and can appear disproportionate and unbalanced with other facial features. Lip fillers have been around for decades and are popular for several reasons. Lip fillers add a smoother, more natural-looking appearance to the lips and enhance the natural shape for fuller lips.

While lip fillers are a great way to enhance your lips, they can also cause swelling, which may result in a puffy appearance after treatment.

Why does swelling occur with lip fillers?

Fillers are a great way to achieve the shape that you want your lips to have. A lip filler is a gel-like substance placed into the lips with a small needle or tiny tube called a microcannula.  These dermal fillers offer immediate changes to the lips, making them a very satisfying treatment option. 

If you are worried about swelling and bruising after lip fillers, it is important to know it is temporary. Swelling is caused by the process of placing the filler into the lip area; even a tiny puncture can cause minor swelling. The lips are a sensitive area, and the injection can cause slight trauma to the tissue – swelling above the lip after lip fillers is the natural response to that trauma.

Lip filler to plump up the lips by Dr. Miller. After treatment, lips are fuller and shapelier without looking unnatural.

How much swelling is normal after lip fillers?

Swelling varies by patient and can depend on factors like how many injections were used, if it was a combination treatment, and natural bodily responses based on sensitivity. Swelling is typically minimal and may make the lips appear puffy or lumpy. Swelling should begin to subside after 3-4 days although it can last up to two weeks in rare instances.

Some patients consider a fair amount of swelling after injection but notice an improvement by the fourth day. If you are concerned with how much swelling is normal after lip fillers, it is a good idea to contact your injector with your questions.

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When does swelling go down after lip fillers?

The amount of filler used during treatment can impact swelling and the expected recovery timeline. By the third day, most of the swelling should be gone, allowing you to really see your treatment results. Any discomfort or tenderness in the injection site should also go away by the fourth day, and the results should be noticeable. A few patients might have minor swelling for up to two weeks and should wait until this point for complete injection results.

Filler to enhance the shape and volume of the lips by Dr. Miller. After treatment, lips are fuller and more defined.
Schedule Your Lip Filler Procedure 

How to Decrease Swelling After Lip Fillers

There are simple ways to reduce swelling after your lip filler treatment to relieve discomfort and enjoy the results sooner. Patients can:

  • Apply a cold compress around the area, but not directly on the lips
  • Relax and avoid repetitive or harsh contact with the mouth and lips
  • Drink lots of water to keep the tissue hydrated
  • Apply aloe vera or a recommended cream to the lips for hydration and healing
  • Sleep with your head elevated

How to Prevent Swelling After Lip Fillers

Different lip fillers can have different results and side effects. It is important to consult with your injector about what to expect before, during, and after your treatment. For many fillers, swelling can be prevented by following aftercare instructions and avoiding certain activities. You can prevent swelling after lip filler by avoiding:

  • Kissing or using a straw for drinking for two-three days
  • Eating sodium-rich foods
  • Using makeup or lipstick for one-two days after treatment
  • Engaging in strenuous activity
  • Consuming alcohol
  • Taking blood thinners like ibuprofen or aspirin
Lip fillers to add fullness and enhance the profile of a female patient by Dr. Miller. After treatment, lips are more defined and proportionate to other features.

Schedule Your Lip Plumping Treatment at Our Manhattan Office Today

Gotham Plastic Surgery provides comprehensive treatment plans to help patients achieve natural, youthful, and stunning results. The experience and expertise of Dr. Phillip Miller, a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon, allows patients to explore and experience the best version of themselves, including fuller lips.

Lips are a delicate and prominent feature that requires skill and experience to develop desirable shape and fullness. Too much injection can cause overly inflated, unnatural-looking lips, and too little can lead to underwhelming results.

Dr. Miller uses the NatraLook® process to help patients achieve exceptional and natural results. This approach to plastic surgery creates a safe and supportive environment for patients to explore their aesthetic confidence and naturally enhance their appearance. 

Contact us to schedule a consultation and learn more about our lip augmentation treatments. 

Popular Plastic Surgery Procedures: A look at the Real Housewives

Plastic surgery helps individuals achieve the aesthetic beauty and confidence they desire. Bravo’s Real Housewives are open about and supportive of plastic surgery to enhance or change facial and body features. The women had a wide range of treatments in 2021 and spoke candidly on their shows and social media platforms.

Philip J. Miller, MD, FACS, a distinguished double board-certified facial plastic surgeon with more than 20 years of experience, offers these procedures in Manhattan, New York. He is recognized as an expert in rhinoplasty and facial rejuvenation procedures and is known for his innovative techniques and focus on natural-looking results. Dr. Miller and his team of experts can perform the procedures the Real Housewives had done this year; take a look at some highlights:

The Nose Craze

Rhinoplasty was a big hit among the Real Housewives in 2021. Teresa Giudice and Raquel Leviss—to name two—both had rhinoplasty procedures. Many patients feel their nose detracts from other facial features and choose rhinoplasty to adjust the shape or size to fit harmoniously with the rest of their facial features.

Rhinoplasty is a complex procedure that requires a skilled and experienced surgeon, as well as extensive preoperative discussions and planning. Dr. Miller considers facial structure, the prominence of features, and skin quality and thickness when advising patients on how to achieve their cosmetic goals and overall facial balance.

Dr. Miller consulting with a rhinoplasty patient
Rhinoplasty to remove nasal hump and refine tip by Dr. Miller. After surgery, dorsal hump is gone and nasal tip is slightly rotated for a more attractive profile.

In the case of Real Housewife Raquel Leviss, she felt disappointed with her results and thought her fiancé bumping into her nose may have contributed to unwanted results. While finding an expert surgeon is important, sometimes results can be different from what a patient envisioned. Dr. Miller offers revision rhinoplasty for patients disappointed in results, or that suffered a nose injury or trauma after the initial procedure.

Rhinoplasty can tackle a small problem area or completely reshape or resize your nose. Teresa Giudice felt her nose was too round on the top and turned to rhinoplasty to feel more confident. Whatever the reason, whatever the concern, Dr. Miller can work with you to find a solution and create natural, beautiful results for you.

Combining Procedures

Many plastic surgery combinations are safe and provide maximum results. By combining procedures, patients can reduce recovery time, limit the use of anesthetics, and eliminate multiple surgeries. Some procedures make sense to perform together, such as a facelift and fillers, or chin augmentation and rhinoplasty.

Combination procedures have been popular with many of the Real Housewives, as the convenience of scheduling multiple treatments at one time can save both time and money.

Rhinoplasty, upper blepharoplasty, chin implant, and fat grafting for facial contouring of a female patient by Dr. Miller. Procedures dramatically enhance patient's facial profile.

Dr. Miller works closely with patients to identify their cosmetic goals and create a custom plan with combination treatments to meet those goals quickly and efficiently. Like Jennifer’s case, sometimes balance can only be achieved when multiple areas are addressed with different procedures. Seeing satisfying results from combination procedures can boost your confidence and comfort.

Getting a Lift

Facelifts—and other major plastic surgeries—are most common in the fall and winter to avoid heat and sun exposure and see results before summer months or holiday events. A facelift is a popular procedure that tightens sagging skin from aging and weak muscles. Loose skin can be moved or removed to create a natural look and a more youthful appearance.

Dolores Catania and Emily Simpson are two Real Housewives that have undergone a facelift. There are different types of facelifts that produce various levels of results. Emily had a mini lower facelift which is less invasive and targets more minor areas of wrinkles or loose skin. Dr. Miller offers different types of facelifts in his Manhattan office, including:

  • Traditional Facelift: Incisions are made at the hairline, continue in front and behind the ears, and extend to the lower scalp. Muscles and skin are lifted and tightened, and closed with sutures.
  • Mini Facelift: This procedure uses shorter incisions and targets areas that are just beginning to wrinkle or sag. This minor outpatient treatment can be accomplished in less than 90 minutes.
  • Thread Lift: A unique thread with tiny barbs is used to pull the skin up and back. This thread latches onto the skin and remains in place to keep the skin smooth.
  • Micro Lift: This minimally invasive procedure creates the look one achieves with pulled-back hair. It is a quick and safe procedure with little downtime.
customized facelift surgery results in NYC

Fast and Fabulous

Dermal fillers and Botox ® Cosmetic are popular, especially among Real Housewives. Botox treats frown lines and other dynamic wrinkles by blocking nerve impulses to facial muscles, while dermal fillers target static wrinkles and restore youthful volume. Knowing the right product, treatment area, and limit is key to achieving your best possible results.

Dermal fillers to reduce wrinkles and restore volume in a female patient. Cheeks are more defined for a more youthful facial contour.

Real Housewife Shannon Storms Beador admitted to overdoing it on fillers. When too many facial fillers are used, it can dramatically alter an appearance and create disproportionate features and an unnatural look. Dr. Miller uses the unique NatraLook® approach to aesthetic beauty. The NatraLook process empowers individuals to explore aesthetic confidence safely and naturally. Dr. Miller and his team strive for natural-looking results to provide patients with an extraordinary experience.

Dr. Miller can suggest which Botox and filler treatments are right for you to create the customized approach that produces the most natural improvement.

Your Best Choice for Facial Plastic Surgery in New York City

Many plastic surgery procedures help you look and feel your best. Whether you want a single treatment, combination procedure, or a total makeover, Dr. Miller can help you achieve your aesthetic goals. NYC #1 facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Miller, uses minimally-invasive techniques, innovative technology, and advanced surgical methods to help patients boost their confidence and achieve their aesthetic goals.

Contact us today to learn more about our procedures and schedule a consultation. 

Fresh Face for Fall

Have you been considering cosmetic work, but aren’t sure when the best time may be to have your procedure? Fall is the perfect time for several reasons, so schedule your consultation now. 

4 Reasons Fall is the Perfect Time for Cosmetic Surgery

1. Avoid the sun and heat.

With the cool autumn weather, you won’t have to worry about inflammation or skin damage from sun exposure or hot temperatures. 

2. Recover before the holidays.

If you have your surgery done in the fall, you can recover before the festivities begin. You’ll feel refreshed and ready to enjoy time with your loved ones during the holiday season.

3. Greater Scheduling Flexibility.

Many patients schedule cosmetic procedures in late winter or early spring. By scheduling your cosmetic procedure during the fall, you’re more likely to get the best appointment date for your schedule. 

4. Treat yourself before the holidays.

Before the frenzy of  the holiday season begins, why not treat yourself to some much-deserved self care and a new look to greet the New Year? 

Turn Back the Clock with a Facelift

Manhattan’s world-renowned facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Philip Miller, specializes in facelifts and rhinoplasty. He offers several facelift options: a traditional facelift, a mini facelift, a Micro Lift, or the proprietary Miller lift. One of these is sure to be the right one for you. 

Facelift Options

A facelift, or rhytidectomy, may be the perfect procedure for you if you’re looking for results that significantly turn back the clock. This procedure removes excess or sagging facial skin for a renewed, youthful look. 

During a traditional facelift, incisions are made at the hairline and continue in front of and behind the ears, extending to the lower scalp. Fat can be redistributed from your face and neck through these incisions, or liposuction may be used for the removal of excess fat. Muscles and skin are lifted and tightened. 

Facelift, neck lift, dermabrasion and earlobe repair to enhance the appearance of a female patient by Dr. Miller. Surgery and treatment reduces jowl formation and wrinkles while firming and smoothing skin.

Incisions made during facelift surgery are hidden in the natural creases of your face and hairline, and meticulously closed with sutures to minimize visibility after your procedure. Drainage tubes may be inserted but can be removed in 1-2 days. Sutures are removed between 5-10 days.

A mini facelift targets those areas of the face that are just beginning to wrinkle and sag. The incisions are shorter than a traditional facelift, and often confined to the front of the ear only. The mini facelift requires local anesthesia and can be performed in 90 minutes or less. 

The innovative, minimally invasive Micro Lift mimics the improved appearance that comes with pulled-back hair. It can be a perfect option for patients in their 20s-40s who want to erase early signs of aging. Comfortable, safe, quick, and performed under local anesthesia, the Micro Lift takes less than an hour in the office and requires little post-procedure downtime. 

mini facelift before and after results in NY, NY

The Miller Lift is a proprietary, custom-designed liquid facelift technique that uses a combination of fillers, such as Juvéderm® and Restylane®, to soften and fill out lines and wrinkles. Besides smoothing wrinkles, facial fillers can address volume loss in the cheeks, chin, lips, and other contours of the face. 

Along with facial fillers, Dr. Miller performs injections of Botox Cosmetic® to address the dynamic wrinkles associated with facial expressions, such as forehead wrinkles, frown lines, and crow’s feet. Collagen stimulators, such as Sculptra, and fat eliminators, such as Kybella, round out the Miller Lift. Results can last for up to two years. 

Achieve Balance with a Rhinoplasty

Surgical vs. Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Surgical rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, adjusts, corrects, or reduces the look of the nose. Dr. Miller will consider the prominence of your cheeks, your jawline, your skin thickness and quality, and the overall dimensions of your nose before advising you how to achieve the changes you want while maintaining overall facial balance. 

A major benefit of rhinoplasty is that it’s typically a “one-and-done” procedure. Once the procedure is complete and the nose has fully healed, patients can enjoy the results for a lifetime. 

Rhinoplasty to remove nasal hump and refine tip by Dr. Miller. After surgery, dorsal hump is gone and nasal tip is slightly rotated for a more attractive profile.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty, also known as liquid rhinoplasty, uses injectable fillers to make subtle, yet dramatic changes to your appearance.

Non-surgical nose jobs are safe and effective, providing immediate results with exceptionally short recovery time. With this non-invasive procedure, injectable fillers are used to make small yet dramatic modifications to the nose. 

Non-surgical rhinoplasty has its limitations, however. Since corrections are made with dermal fillers that ultimately dissolve, results aren’t permanent. Non-surgical nose jobs aren’t appropriate for every nose and can’t reduce the size of the nose. 

Results will vary by patient, but the longevity of a non-surgical nose job is typically between 8-24 months. During your consultation, Dr. Miller will give you an idea about what you might expect from your results as well as how long they might last.

Quick Pick-Me-Ups: Botox and Dermal Fillers

Surgery isn’t your only option for rejuvenating your appearance. Injectables minimize wrinkles and add volume in areas that lack fullness. With little-to-no downtime, injectables deliver results in a matter of days so that you can enjoy your fresh, youthful appearance right away.

Botox relaxes the muscles that pull on the skin to form wrinkles. Botox Cosmetic is superior to dermal fillers for minimizing frown lines, horizontal furrows on the forehead, and crow’s feet around the eyes. It can also be used around the lips, around the nose, or on the bands of the neck. Results last up to four months.

Dermal fillers, including Restylane® and Juvéderm®, are gel-like substances that restore volume. They fill in creases and static wrinkles, which form from gradual volume loss. Hollow cheeks, saggy jowls, and under-eye bags are common treatment areas for dermal fillers, which can last up to 12 months or more.

restylane filler for non-surgical facelift in new york

Dr. Miller and his team of skin specialists in New York provide the latest and most effective wrinkle treatments. Using various injectables, Dr. Miller can restore facial volume, reduce deep wrinkles, and help rejuvenate and lift the face.

Natural Results for a Beautiful 2022

Aesthetic Confidence® is the sense of empowerment we feel about the way we look, dress, design, and decorate. It dovetails with confidence in our abilities, intellect, and emotions. The NatraLook Process focuses exclusively on the look component of Aesthetic Confidence. The NatraLook Process is an enriching experience through which you can explore and ultimately boost your aesthetic confidence by enhancing your appearance.

The NatraLook process evaluates and expands the typical plastic surgery experience into a safe, non-intimidating opportunity to explore your aesthetic confidence. It provides a reassuring, supportive, and positive environment. It creates a unified vision of your desired result so that you and New York surgeon Dr. Philip Miller know what to expect.

The Next Step: Consulting with a Plastic Surgeon

Renowned for producing natural-looking results that exceed expectations, Dr. Philip Miller and his team of New York City’s top-rated facial plastic surgery experts provide custom cosmetic treatment plans. These include a combination of minimally invasive techniques and advanced procedures to help each patient achieve the Aesthetic Confidence® they desire.

After a comprehensive facial evaluation, Dr. Miller can recommend the best treatments to meet your goals. To discuss your full range of treatment options, contact his plastic surgery office today.


7 Questions to Ask Your Facelift Surgeon

A facelift may smooth sagging skin and tighten the tissue underneath the skin to give your face a fresh look. If you desire a more permanent improvement to the features of your face, a facelift may produce the beautiful glow that boosts your confidence and lifts your spirits. If you have questions about something as important as facelift surgery, don’t be afraid to ask your surgeon what you desire to know.

Dr. Philip Miller is your Manhattan, New York, and New Orleans, Louisiana, expert on all types of  facelift surgery especially deep plane facelift surgery.   He is a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon who will answer every question you have about this procedure. The following seven questions are frequently asked by people who choose to undergo facelift surgery. When you schedule your consultation with Dr. Miller, have your questions ready so you are prepared to move forward if you decide a facelift is the right choice for you.

before and after results of a facelift performed in NYC, NY

1. Am I a good candidate for a facelift?

Facelift surgery is not a procedure you should decide to schedule on the spot. You should do your homework, research your options, and choose a surgeon who specializes in facial plastic surgery. Dr. Miller will provide you with a comprehensive consultation to determine if you are a good candidate for a facelift. There is no “perfect” age for a facelift – when you look in the mirror and see skin laxity, creases, and facial hollowing that indicate you need a change, that is when you need to schedule your consultation. Dr. Miller can help you determine if facelift surgery or another procedure is the best option.

2. How often do you perform this procedure?

Dr. Miller has focused on facial procedures for over two decades. That means all of his time goes into treatments for the face, while a general plastic surgeon might divide time between the face and body procedures. His double board-certification and expertise in facial plastic surgery are also a guarantee that you will receive the best attention for your needs.

3. What type of facelift will work best for me?

facelift surgery results in NYC

There are several options with facelift surgery, so during your consultation with Dr. Miller, you will learn about the different types of surgery that meet your needs. Based on the results you desire, you may choose the traditional facelift, or a procedure like the micro or mini facelift that are less invasive and a good option for earlier signs of aging. No matter which facelift you choose, Dr. Miller’s NatraLook consultation process will ensure you build trust with your surgeon and receive professional, expert advice from one of the country’s leading experts on facial plastic surgery.

Doctor Miller routinely performs the preferred deep plane facelift as it gives the most natural redraping of descended tissue and restores depleted volume.   

Deep Plane Facelift

Dr. Miller performs the deep plane facelift to restore sagging midface tissue and volume depletion.  The deep plane is different than the traditional facelift as it extends the flap further toward the upper midface so that sagging tissue in the cheek and jowl region can be rejuvenated.  Not all patients require a deep plane lift, but for those that do, no other surgery can compare.  

Traditional Facelift

Dr. Miller performs the traditional facelift procedure by making intricate incisions on your hairline, in front of your ears, and behind your ears near the lower part of your scalp line. Based on your desired look, Dr. Miller will redistribute fat  through these incisions, and may also use liposuction to remove additional fat. Don’t worry – the incisions are concealed so visible scarring is minimal afterward. Your incisions  will be closed with sutures, and based on the complexity of your facelift, you may have drains in place that can be removed in a couple of days. You will follow up with Dr. Miller in 5-10 days for suture removal. To learn more about a traditional facelift, please visit

Mini Facelift

The mini facelift is another effective option that targets earlier signs of aging. This technique is designed to target specific areas of the face at the onset of wrinkling or sagging. Dr. Miller will make his incisions at the front of the ear, but not behind the ear. The procedure does not require general anesthesia; you will receive a local anesthetic and be done in about 90 minutes.

facelift surgery results in Manhattan, NY

4. Where and how will you perform my procedure?

Dr. Miller performs all facelift procedures in the surgical suite of his Manhattan office. The surgery suite is accredited and adheres to the strict standards set forth by the Joint Commission.

Surgery, whether minor or major, will require local (focused on a specific region) or general (surgery while you are asleep) anesthesia. Depending on the type of facelift you are scheduled for will determine the type of anesthesia used, and will be discussed during your consultation. Traditional and mini facelifts – both designed to give you a fresh new look, are performed differently, and are tailored to your precise needs and goals. Dr. Miller performs a variety of facelift techniques, to ensure your results are beautifully natural and distinctly you.

5. What happens after surgery? What will my recovery look like?

Your recovery is a process of resting and healing to ensure you see the best results. If you had general anesthesia, you may remain in our surgical suite for a short period to allow the effects of general anesthesia to wear off before you leave. A local anesthetic may produce numbness but will wear off soon after the procedure is complete. Make sure you have a ride home after your surgery with a friend or family member who can stay with you for the first 24 hours of your recovery if possible. 

Recovering at Home

You will be sent home with dressings in place to protect the incisions and sutures. Drains may also help to drain fluid from the surgical site. Soreness and tightness on your face are normal after surgery.

Facelift surgery of any kind may produce some swelling or bruising. If you experience any unexpected symptoms, do not hesitate to contact Dr. Miller’s office right away. Rest assured that Dr. Miller will also keep in touch with you during your recovery process and through your post-operative appointments.

You may receive a prescription for pain medication prior to your surgery, but many of Dr. Miller’s patients report they did not require the medication as their recovery was more comfortable than expected.

Your recovery time may not be textbook, but most people can return to work and normal activities within a couple of weeks. Excessive activities, such as exercise or heavy lifting are not recommended for about a month after your surgery. During your recovery at home, stay active (but not too active!) to ensure your blood circulation is promoting the healing process. You will be instructed to avoid medications like aspirin or other blood thinners, as these can cause excessive bleeding after your surgery.

One of the most important parts of your recovery is following the instructions provided by Dr. Miller. His guidance will provide you with a step-by-step overview of how to prepare for your surgery, what to expect during and after surgery, and how to recover properly by caring for your incisions. Make sure you keep all of your scheduled follow-up appointments, and in time, you will see the benefits of your surgery with a refreshed, more youthful appearance.

6. What can I expect from my results?

You may be wondering about the results of your facelift – how will I look? Dr. Miller is a double-board certified facial plastic surgeon, the best you can ask for with facelift surgery. You may see as much as 10 years taken off, but one of the best testimonials for facelift surgery are the before and after photos. Dr. Miller’s staff will take before and after photos so you can see the drooping and sagging disappear.

7. What will the cost of my procedure be?

The cost of your surgery varies depending on which facial procedure you choose. The details of the cost will be discussed during your consultation. You must also consider other costs associated with the surgery, which might include a facility fee, the surgeon and anesthesiologist fees, and any postoperative supplies you may need for recovery. Facelift surgery is considered cosmetic and elective (not medically necessary), and would not be covered by your insurance. Remember that the costs vary and are not inexpensive, but if a facelift is not in your range of affordability, Dr. Miller can recommend other procedures that may provide a similar look without the same cost.

Schedule a Facelift Consultation with NYC’s Top Facial Plastic Surgeon

Whether you choose a traditional, mini, micro, or other facelift procedure, Dr. Philip Miller can turn the clock back and give you a new look, a fresh face, and a reason to smile again. Schedule your consultation today.

Turn Back the Clock without Surgery

One of the most difficult aspects of the aging process is reconciling with significant changes to the tone and texture of your once-youthful skin. While a high-quality moisturizer, retinol serums, and sunscreen can help ward off wrinkles and skin laxity, there comes a time when preventive measures simply aren’t enough to turn back the clock.

If fine lines, wrinkles, and saggy skin are diminishing your self-esteem and making you look older than you feel, you’re in good company. Many men and women start noticing the early signs of aging in their 30s and 40s, when skin naturally starts losing essential collagen and elastin.

Fortunately, double board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Philip J. Miller has the right procedure for you at his state-of-the-art plastic surgery clinic in Manhattan, New York. As a renowned plastic surgeon who has regularly graced the Best Doctors in America list since 2007, Dr. Miller understands the complexities of rejuvenating aging skin.

That’s why he developed the Miller Lift®, a proprietary liquid facelift that utilizes a combination of injectables and minimally invasive treatments to rival the results of a surgical facelift with minimal downtime.

Ready for Rejuvenation?

Young adults enjoy firm, supple skin thanks to their abundance of collagen and elastin. These essential proteins help build the body’s connective tissues, which keeps the skin firm and elastic. Around age 30, your collagen and elastin production start to slow. This, on its own, creates significant changes in the elasticity of your skin — but it isn’t the only factor.

Along with collagen and elastin loss, your 30s are typically when you start to notice the effects of sun damage, poor sleep quality, smoking, and other lifestyle and environmental factors that can accelerate aging skin.

before and after Miller Lift results in NY, NY Early signs of aging skin include:

  • Fine lines
  • Wrinkles
  • Mild facial creases
  • Skin laxity around the jowls
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Brown spots
  • Dull skin
  • Flat cheeks

When you start to age, the fat tissue that once sat firmly in your midface begins to sag. At this point, your jawline and cheekbones may look less sculpted and defined.

Injectables Offer Fast Relief

Surgery isn’t your only option for rejuvenating aging skin. Injectables are a quick, safe, and effective solution to minimize wrinkles and add volume in areas lacking fullness. With little-to-no downtime, injectables deliver results in a matter of days, rather than months, so you can enjoy your fresh, youthful appearance right away.

As a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon with more than 20 years of experience, Dr. Miller knows how to sculpt and contour the face using injectables, such as neuromodulators and dermal fillers. That’s why the Miller Lift can produce superior anti-aging results without anesthesia, incisions or downtime.

Multiple Options Available at Our Plastic Surgery Clinic

To understand how the Miller Lift works, it’s important to know the difference between neuromodulators, dermal fillers, and collagen stimulators.


like Botox® Cosmetic, Dysport®, and Xeomin® prevent and reduce the appearance of wrinkles by temporarily paralyzing the muscles that control them. Facial lines caused by expression, like crow’s feet and forehead lines, respond well to neuromodulators. In most cases, results last for at least 3-6 months.

before and after results from a liquid facelift procedure in Manhattan

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers, including Restylane® and Juvéderm®, are formulated as gel-like substances that restore lost volume. They fill in deep creases and static wrinkles, which form from gradual volume loss. Hollow cheeks, saggy jowls, and undereye bags are common treatment areas for dermal fillers, which can last up to 12 months or more.

Collagen Stimulators

Collagen stimulators like Sculptra® are dermal fillers that contain synthetic substances designed to trigger the body to produce more collagen. As the filler gradually fades, it’s replaced by newly made collagen to extend your anti-aging results.

With the Miller Lift, Dr. Miller can also combine your injectables with fat reduction treatments, like Kybella®, an injectable medication that can eliminate submental fat beneath the chin without surgery or liposuction.

The Perfect Combination

before and after results of a non-surgical facelift in NYC, NY

non-surgical facelift alternatives in new york

What makes the Miller Lift unique is its customizability. Dr. Miller can address your exact concerns with an individualized combination of injectables. With a fully personalized treatment plan, your results will look as beautiful and natural as possible.

To better address your unique needs, Dr. Miller has developed his proprietary NatraLook® process. He takes your facial structure, features, and treatment goals into consideration before designing your personalized plan. 

NatraLook offers a collaborative approach to care that allows you to work with Dr. Miller to develop your custom treatment plan. This way, your results will meet or exceed your expectations.

Maintaining Your Results

Since the Miller Lift combines a variety of injectables to combat the signs of aging, results are temporary. Depending on your unique treatment plan, you can expect injectables to gradually lose their efficacy within 12 months. However, collagen stimulators will continue to generate new collagen and strengthen existing fibers for years to come, particularly with touch-up treatments.

Maintenance is key with injectables. Visiting Dr. Miller for regular touch-up appointments can help maintain your results and prevent new wrinkles from forming. The Miller Lift is entirely nonsurgical and minimally invasive, so you can also combine your treatment with other skin tightening procedures, like laser resurfacing and microneedling.

The Next Step

Eventually, you may want a more substantial, long-term anti-aging solution, like facial plastic surgery. After a comprehensive facial evaluation, Dr. Miller can recommend the best surgical treatment to lift and tighten your skin. 

A mini facelift is an effective treatment to combat skin laxity and facial sagging for five years or more, while a traditional full facelift can transform your appearance for up to 10 years. Combining these treatments with a neck lift will no doubt emphasize your results.

To discuss your full range of treatment options with Dr. Miller, contact his plastic surgery clinic today.

What is the G.I. Jaw?

There are certain traits that we consider as classically handsome – a square chin, a strong jaw and well-defined cheekbones to name a few. But not all men are blessed with these features, so many are now taking a more proactive approach to achieving their aesthetic goals. 

More men are heading to a doctor for help with their appearance. According to an American Society of Plastic Surgeons report, there was a 7% increase in chin augmentation procedures in men from 2000-2020 and a 137% increase in soft tissue filler treatments. A total of 118,614 filler procedures were performed in 2020 alone.

Board-certified facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Philip Miller, offers his Manhattan, New York and NOLA patients his innovative G.I. Jaw® to help enhance the chin and jawline for that classic, chiseled look. With the right combination of procedures, customized to the precise needs and goals of each patient, Dr. Miller produces natural, masculine results for his male clientele.

The Ideal Jawline for Men

A well-defined lower face is a hallmark of a masculine appearance. The aesthetically ideal lower face is often characterized by a square, projected chin and a sharp jawline. People often regard strengthening the jawline as contributing to a man’s sex appeal and overall attractiveness, which can make him more confident.

The Problem with a Recessive Chin – And the Solution

Before and after of male jaw contouring in new york

Not all men are born with a prominent chin and even if they are, the chin also tends to recede with age. A receding chin, also referred to as a “weak chin,” makes the chin less pronounced, creating a disproportionate facial profile. Correspondingly, a strong and well-carved chin exudes youth and confidence, by bringing the entire facial contour into balance.

A recessive chin can be addressed both surgically and non-surgically. Surgically, Dr. Miller performs chin augmentation using custom implants. He creates a small incision either underneath the chin or inside the mouth. Through this incision, he creates a pocket for the chin implant and fits it around the chin bone. A chin implant will not only correct a recessed chin but improve facial harmony by bringing the chin into better proportion with other features.

For non-surgical chin augmentation, Dr. Miller uses dermal fillers to replenish lost volume and lift. Dr. Miller alters the chin’s shape and definition by strategically injecting filler beneath the skin to change the contour of the chin and/or jawline. The injectables allow him to sculpt a new chin by adding a more manly “squareness” to its shape, enhancing its projection, addressing asymmetry issues, and improving the sagginess in the jawline.

The Problem with a Double Chin – And the Solution

GI Jaw procedure results in NYC

Nobody likes a double chin –whether catching your side profile in a mirror or trying to capture the best selfie angle. And unlike other stubborn pockets of fat on other body areas, a double chin can be harder to camouflage with flattering clothing. Some men would even resort to growing beards to hide their double chins. Also known as submental fullness, this extra fat may not be a byproduct of weight gain and can appear on slender men as well.

Dr. Miller can eliminate a double chin by performing liposuction in the neck. He uses a very small cannula and inserts it under the skin to gently remove excess fatty tissues using a suction technique. Because of volume reduction and tissue tightening, patients gain a more defined jawline with improved chin and neck contours.

Fat-fighting Kybella injections are another option for eliminating a double chin. These injectables are formulated with fat-melting deoxycholic acid that destroys fat cells to reveal a more sculpted jawline and better chin profile. Dr. Miller will perform a series of treatments to achieve optimal results. Kybella is often a great choice to combine with fillers or implants to achieve the most chiseled jawline. To learn more about Kybella injections to treat double chin, please visit

The Problem with Sagging Skin – And the Solution

male jawline contouring results in NY, NY

The neck can show age sooner than other areas of the face and body because of the thinner skin there. Over time, the neck can develop sagging skin and extra fat deposits. Factors that affect how quickly the neck ages might include heredity, gravity, sun damage, and weight fluctuations. Fortunately, there are ways to rejuvenate the neck, often without surgery.

Dr. Miller offers Neck-Tite™ in his Manhattan, New York office as an advanced, minimally-invasive procedure that uses BodyTite™’s patented radiofrequency assisted lipolysis (RFAL) technology to rejuvenate the neck and jowls. The procedure combines radiofrequency energy with aspiration to remove excess fat and tighten and contour the neck area. The result is a firmer, more youthful-looking neck. This is an ideal procedure for those with loose or sagging neck skin, jowls, or what many refer to as a “turkey neck.” 

Neck-Tite™ offers patients a less invasive alternative to surgical procedures like the neck lift and facelift. At the same time, it provides greater improvement than liposuction alone, with superior contouring and skin tightening. And since Dr. Miller uses small cannulas, there is little scarring as well as minimal downtime. 

When Surgery is the Best Solution

male jaw enhancement surgery in New York City

Taking a surgical route is still widely considered the gold standard for comprehensive facial or neck rejuvenation. If you are noticing more prominent signs of aging around your chin, jawline, and neck that cannot be addressed with lasers and injectables, you may be a good candidate for a lower facelift or neck lift. Surgery’s more aggressive approach can effectively reconstruct a more youthful contour along your face, jaw, and neck.

Signs that you could benefit from a neck lift include:

  • Double chin
  • Jowls
  • Crepey neck skin
  • Sagging skin under the chin
  • Sagging on neck
  • Horizontal banding around the neck
  • Soft or diffuse jawline

With surgery, Dr. Miller removes fat from your lower face and neck, as well as redundant skin that is starting to sag. He can also tighten the platysma muscle to make the surgical neck lift a very long-lasting procedure. You can expect your neck to look younger than your non-treated peers for 10 years or more. And typically, patients undergo neck lift surgery in conjunction with a facelift for a comprehensive rejuvenation.

Why Dr. Miller is the Best Plastic Surgeon for Jaw Enhancement

As an expert facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Miller can create custom treatment plans that combine minimally invasive techniques and advanced technology to help patients achieve the best version of themselves. His extraordinary surgical knowledge, depth of experience, and artist’s eye and touch have made him one of the most sought-after facial plastic surgeons in New York. Not only has he written neck lift chapters for medical textbooks, but he also developed the innovative Neck-Tite™ non-surgical neck lift and G.I. Jaw®.

Dr. Miller also utilizes the NatraLook process to ensure his patients undergo an enriching experience in which they achieve natural results that are rewarding in both physical and emotional ways. 

Schedule A Jaw Enhancement Procedure

Is your sagging neck betraying your age? Are your jowls causing you to look much older than you feel? A smoother, tighter neck and an accentuated, stronger jawline can shave years off of your appearance and help restore your self-confidence. To learn more about our non-surgical and surgical rejuvenation procedures, please contact Dr. Miller at his Manhattan, New York plastic surgery clinic.

Brow Lift or Eyelid Surgery: How to Refresh Aging Eyes

When you look in the mirror, you want to look fresh and alert. Unfortunately, as we age, our skin loses its natural elasticity and the muscles that support our brows and eyelids start to weaken. This can lead to droopy eyelids and wrinkles that make us look older than we are. Blepharoplasty and a brow lift are two facial plastic surgery procedures that can take years off of your appearance by rejuvenating your eyes. But which treatment is right for you?

aging eye treatment results in NYC, NY Double board-certified facial plastic surgeon, Philip J. Miller, MD, FACS, has nearly 30 years of experience in cosmetic surgery. As a pioneer in the field of facial plastic surgery, he understands the unique complexities of blepharoplasty and brow lift procedures. Dr. Miller’s skilled precision and artistic eye make him uniquely qualified to recommend the right procedure for you at his state-of-the-art plastic surgery clinic in Manhattan, NY.

With Dr. Miller’s collaborative Natralook® process, you can take part in designing your own treatment plan to determine which procedure will best help you achieve your desired results.

What You Need to Know about a Brow Lift

brow lift before and after results in NYC A brow lift primarily addresses excess skin on the forehead that droops down toward the eyes. As the skin above the brow sags, it causes the eyelids to slouch downward as well. The skin only loses elasticity with age, so the problem tends to worsen in aging adults. For some, the resulting look can resemble perpetual anger or sadness. Others can experience drooping to the point that their eyesight becomes hindered.

For a more youthful look, Dr. Miller makes a small incision in the hairline and carefully lifts the skin, removing any excess. During this procedure, he also removes portions of weakened muscle near the eyelids. The entire process lifts the brow to smooth forehead lines and minimize sagging over the eyes. To learn more about brow lifts, please click here

Benefits of a Brow Lift

A brow lift can transform your appearance by softening deep creases and lines while lifting your brow. Other important benefits of a brow lift include that it can:

  • Remove excess skin from above the brow
  • Reduce deep forehead lines
  • Minimize crow’s feet
  • Lift saggy eyelids
  • Soften crow’s feet

If you have excess skin partially blocking your vision, a naturally low eyebrow arch, or deep forehead lines, consider an eyebrow lift.

What a Brow Lift Can’t Do

A brow lift cannot remove excess skin from the upper or lower eyelids like a blepharoplasty can. If you have droopy eyelids that stem from loss of elasticity in the eyelids themselves, then a brow lift may not be the appropriate treatment. Brow lifts specifically treat sagging caused by excess skin above the brow.

One way to tell if you need a blepharoplasty over a brow lift is by raising your eyebrows. If the skin continues to sag with no noticeable change, then a brow lift won’t deliver the results you’re looking for.

What you Need to Know about an Eyelid Lift

blepharoplasty before and after results in new york

An eyelid lift, or blepharoplasty, is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin and tissue from your eyelids. Dr. Miller can perform this procedure on your upper lids, lower lids, or both for a fully rejuvenated appearance.

During an eyelid lift, Dr. Miller makes a small incision in the natural eyelid crease and removes any excess tissue. For the best results, he redistributes some of your excess skin, fat, and underlying muscle before tightening your surrounding skin. This technique generates a lifting effect that instantly refreshes your appearance. Since the incision blends in with your natural crease, there’s very minimal visible scarring.

Droopy eyelids can significantly age your appearance and may even impact your vision. While skin laxity is a normal consequence of the aging process, eyelid surgery can make your eyes look younger, fresher, and more alert.  

Benefits of an Eyelid Lift

Upper eyelid surgery is an excellent anti-aging procedure for patients with droopy eyelids caused by loss of elasticity. An eyelid lift may be right for you if you suffer from:

  • Puffy upper eyelids
  • Impaired vision from saggy upper eyelid skin
  • Extra skin in the natural eyelid crease
  • Poor eyelid contours
  • Forehead discomfort from muscle straining
  • Skin irritation from chafing eyelid folds

Depending on whether you combine your treatment with a lower eyelid, blepharoplasty typically takes about 1-2 hours. Most patients recover within 7-10 days of treatment.

What an Eyelid Lift Can’t Do

An eyelid lift is ideal for patients who have droopy eyelids with excess fat and tissue. However, blepharoplasty cannot treat deep forehead wrinkles like a brow lift can. If your saggy eyelids are the result of a low brow arch and skin laxity above the brow line, then a brow lift is likely a more appropriate treatment.

When a Combination Approach at Our Plastic Surgery Clinic May be Best

Since brow and eyelid lifts address different aging symptoms, a combination approach can dramatically enhance your appearance. If you have deep forehead creases and excess eyelid skin, ask Dr. Miller about a combination approach during your initial consultation.

To schedule a face-to-face consultation with Dr. Miller at his Manhattan plastic surgery clinic, call or book an appointment online today.

Planning for Your Rhinoplasty: Open vs. Closed Technique

If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your nose, you’re not alone. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, rhinoplasties, or nose jobs, are the most common facial plastic surgery procedures in the U.S. Many people feel that their nose is too prominent and detracts from other facial features, while others long for more definition of their nasal tip. 

No matter your concern, double board-certified facial plastic surgeon, Philip J. Miller, MD, FACS, in New York City has the artistic skill and experience to reshape or reconstruct your nose for enhanced facial symmetry. His goal is to bring balance to your features by evaluating the prominence of your cheekbones and jawline, the width of your eyes, and even the texture of your skin before making recommendations regarding your nose.

The next step is determining whether you’re a better candidate for open or closed rhinoplasty. While both procedures can achieve exceptional results, each has its own advantages and drawbacks to consider during your consultation.

Open Rhinoplasty

open rhinoplasty before and after results in NYC, NY During an open rhinoplasty at his plastic surgery clinic, Dr. Miller makes a small incision in the columella — the piece of tissue that separates the nostrils. Also called an external rhinoplasty, this technique opens the tip of the nose to reveal its internal structures. 

An open rhinoplasty provides enhanced visibility when maneuvering through the bone, cartilage, and tissue that make up the nose. When performing this highly common type of rhinoplasty, Dr. Miller can reshape the nose and repair damage without jeopardizing its structural support. 

Dr. Miller typically recommends open rhinoplasties for patients with complex structural concerns, such as:

  • A severely crooked nose
  • Nasal trauma or deformities
  • An asymmetrical tip
  • A large nasal tip
  • A large dorsal hump (bump on the nasal bridge)

An open technique is also best for revision rhinoplasty. If you’ve had rhinoplasty in the past and are unhappy with the results, Dr. Miller can perform open rhinoplasty to address your concerns.

Open Rhinoplasty Pros / Cons

Choosing an open rhinoplasty offers many advantages if you want to reshape your nasal structure, particularly if your case is complex. However, there are certain considerations to take into account before making your choice.

patient before and after results from an open rhinoplasty surgery in New York City Pros: Improved Precision

Opening the columella allows Dr. Miller to see the internal structures of your nose. As a result, he can correct complex nasal deformities with precision and accuracy. Clear visibility also allows him to preserve as much of your tissue, cartilage, and bone as possible because he can reshape rather than remove it.

Pros: Enhanced Structural Support

By confining all incisions to the outside of the nose, Dr. Miller can maintain its structural stability. He’s able to create dramatic results without disrupting much of the surrounding bone, cartilage, and tissue.

Cons: Scarring

Since an open rhinoplasty requires an external incision, you may have minor scarring after the procedure. Fortunately, the Z-shaped incision is very small, so the scarring should fade with time. Furthermore, Dr. Miller carefully takes your skin and facial structure into consideration before making the incision. This step ensures that the scar is barely visible as it is between the nostrils at the base of the nose.

Cons: Longer Recovery

An open rhinoplasty is inherently more invasive than a closed rhinoplasty, so it’s no surprise that the recovery process is slightly longer. Many patients find that rhinoplasty is less painful than expected, but swelling and discomfort are common side effects of the procedure. You may also experience congestion for the first few days. Most patients can resume their normal activities within 7-14 days. To accelerate your recovery, keep the incision site clean, avoid strenuous exercise, and refrain from tobacco use.

Closed Rhinoplasty

Also called an endonasal rhinoplasty, a closed rhinoplasty is an internal procedure in which all incisions are confined to the inside of the nostrils. Patients concerned about visible scarring need not worry with a closed rhinoplasty. During the procedure, Dr. Miller carefully lifts the underlying bone, cartilage, and tissue through the nostrils, so you won’t be able to see any scarring.

Closed Rhinoplasty Pros / Cons

A closed rhinoplasty is especially appealing for those who want to make minor modifications to their nose. It’s also ideal if you have breathing problems, such as chronic sinusitis. As a more conservative type of rhinoplasty, however, this technique isn’t right for everyone.

before and after results from a closed rhinoplasty in NY, NY Pros: No Visible Scarring

The primary benefit of a closed rhinoplasty is that there’s no external evidence of the procedure. All stitches are located inside the nose, so you may feel more comfortable resuming your normal activities sooner than you might after an open rhinoplasty.

Pros: Shorter Recovery Time

With no external incisions, the skin between the tip and bridge of the nose remains intact. This means blood circulation functions normally and fluid can drain rather than accumulate. As a result, most patients start to recover within one week. However, rigorous exercise, smoking, and blowing your nose can hinder your recovery.

Pros: Subtle Results

Closed rhinoplasties typically address less complex nasal concerns than open procedures. If you have a dorsal hump, wide nasal bridge, or enlarged nasal tip, a closed rhinoplasty can deliver subtle results with little impact to the surrounding tissue.

Cons: Low Visibility

Since a closed rhinoplasty is performed through the nostrils, visibility is limited during the procedure. An endoscope can provide a clearer view of the internal structures, but an open rhinoplasty will always have fewer obstructions. 

Cons: Limited Modifications

With low visibility and limited access, a closed rhinoplasty is not the best choice for complex nasal modifications that require extreme precision. Instead, the closed technique is ideal for minor adjustments to the nasal tip and bridge. 

Which one Should You Choose?

The best type of rhinoplasty for you depends entirely on the concerns you want to address. Neither technique is necessarily better than the other. To ensure you achieve the best results possible, Dr. Miller offers a proprietary consultation process called NatraLook. During your NatraLook consultation, he evaluates your nose and facial features while listening to your concerns and goals. This process establishes a collaborative environment in which you and Dr. Miller can create a unified vision for your results and the most natural outcome possible. 

Contact Our Plastic Surgery Clinic Today

To learn more about the different types of rhinoplasty procedures Dr. Miller performs and find out which technique is best for you, contact our New York City plastic surgery clinic today.