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Turn Back the Clock without Surgery

One of the most difficult aspects of the aging process is reconciling with significant changes to the tone and texture of your once-youthful skin. While a high-quality moisturizer, retinol serums, and sunscreen can help ward off wrinkles and skin laxity, there comes a time when preventive measures simply aren’t enough to turn back the clock.

If fine lines, wrinkles, and saggy skin are diminishing your self-esteem and making you look older than you feel, you’re in good company. Many men and women start noticing the early signs of aging in their 30s and 40s, when skin naturally starts losing essential collagen and elastin.

Fortunately, double board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Philip J. Miller has the right procedure for you at his state-of-the-art plastic surgery clinic in Manhattan, New York. As a renowned plastic surgeon who has regularly graced the Best Doctors in America list since 2007, Dr. Miller understands the complexities of rejuvenating aging skin.

That’s why he developed the Miller Lift®, a proprietary liquid facelift that utilizes a combination of injectables and minimally invasive treatments to rival the results of a surgical facelift with minimal downtime.

Ready for Rejuvenation?

Young adults enjoy firm, supple skin thanks to their abundance of collagen and elastin. These essential proteins help build the body’s connective tissues, which keeps the skin firm and elastic. Around age 30, your collagen and elastin production start to slow. This, on its own, creates significant changes in the elasticity of your skin — but it isn’t the only factor.

Along with collagen and elastin loss, your 30s are typically when you start to notice the effects of sun damage, poor sleep quality, smoking, and other lifestyle and environmental factors that can accelerate aging skin.

before and after Miller Lift results in NY, NY Early signs of aging skin include:

  • Fine lines
  • Wrinkles
  • Mild facial creases
  • Skin laxity around the jowls
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Brown spots
  • Dull skin
  • Flat cheeks

When you start to age, the fat tissue that once sat firmly in your midface begins to sag. At this point, your jawline and cheekbones may look less sculpted and defined.

Injectables Offer Fast Relief

Surgery isn’t your only option for rejuvenating aging skin. Injectables are a quick, safe, and effective solution to minimize wrinkles and add volume in areas lacking fullness. With little-to-no downtime, injectables deliver results in a matter of days, rather than months, so you can enjoy your fresh, youthful appearance right away.

As a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon with more than 20 years of experience, Dr. Miller knows how to sculpt and contour the face using injectables, such as neuromodulators and dermal fillers. That’s why the Miller Lift can produce superior anti-aging results without anesthesia, incisions or downtime.

Multiple Options Available at Our Plastic Surgery Clinic

To understand how the Miller Lift works, it’s important to know the difference between neuromodulators, dermal fillers, and collagen stimulators.


like Botox® Cosmetic, Dysport®, and Xeomin® prevent and reduce the appearance of wrinkles by temporarily paralyzing the muscles that control them. Facial lines caused by expression, like crow’s feet and forehead lines, respond well to neuromodulators. In most cases, results last for at least 3-6 months.

before and after results from a liquid facelift procedure in Manhattan

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers, including Restylane® and Juvéderm®, are formulated as gel-like substances that restore lost volume. They fill in deep creases and static wrinkles, which form from gradual volume loss. Hollow cheeks, saggy jowls, and undereye bags are common treatment areas for dermal fillers, which can last up to 12 months or more.

Collagen Stimulators

Collagen stimulators like Sculptra® are dermal fillers that contain synthetic substances designed to trigger the body to produce more collagen. As the filler gradually fades, it’s replaced by newly made collagen to extend your anti-aging results.

With the Miller Lift, Dr. Miller can also combine your injectables with fat reduction treatments, like Kybella®, an injectable medication that can eliminate submental fat beneath the chin without surgery or liposuction.

The Perfect Combination

before and after results of a non-surgical facelift in NYC, NY

non-surgical facelift alternatives in new york

What makes the Miller Lift unique is its customizability. Dr. Miller can address your exact concerns with an individualized combination of injectables. With a fully personalized treatment plan, your results will look as beautiful and natural as possible.

To better address your unique needs, Dr. Miller has developed his proprietary NatraLook® process. He takes your facial structure, features, and treatment goals into consideration before designing your personalized plan. 

NatraLook offers a collaborative approach to care that allows you to work with Dr. Miller to develop your custom treatment plan. This way, your results will meet or exceed your expectations.

Maintaining Your Results

Since the Miller Lift combines a variety of injectables to combat the signs of aging, results are temporary. Depending on your unique treatment plan, you can expect injectables to gradually lose their efficacy within 12 months. However, collagen stimulators will continue to generate new collagen and strengthen existing fibers for years to come, particularly with touch-up treatments.

Maintenance is key with injectables. Visiting Dr. Miller for regular touch-up appointments can help maintain your results and prevent new wrinkles from forming. The Miller Lift is entirely nonsurgical and minimally invasive, so you can also combine your treatment with other skin tightening procedures, like laser resurfacing and microneedling.

The Next Step

Eventually, you may want a more substantial, long-term anti-aging solution, like facial plastic surgery. After a comprehensive facial evaluation, Dr. Miller can recommend the best surgical treatment to lift and tighten your skin. 

A mini facelift is an effective treatment to combat skin laxity and facial sagging for five years or more, while a traditional full facelift can transform your appearance for up to 10 years. Combining these treatments with a neck lift will no doubt emphasize your results.

To discuss your full range of treatment options with Dr. Miller, contact his plastic surgery clinic today.

What is the G.I. Jaw?

There are certain traits that we consider as classically handsome – a square chin, a strong jaw and well-defined cheekbones to name a few. But not all men are blessed with these features, so many are now taking a more proactive approach to achieving their aesthetic goals. 

More men are heading to a doctor for help with their appearance. According to an American Society of Plastic Surgeons report, there was a 7% increase in chin augmentation procedures in men from 2000-2020 and a 137% increase in soft tissue filler treatments. A total of 118,614 filler procedures were performed in 2020 alone.

Board-certified facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Philip Miller, offers his Manhattan, New York and NOLA patients his innovative G.I. Jaw® to help enhance the chin and jawline for that classic, chiseled look. With the right combination of procedures, customized to the precise needs and goals of each patient, Dr. Miller produces natural, masculine results for his male clientele.

The Ideal Jawline for Men

A well-defined lower face is a hallmark of a masculine appearance. The aesthetically ideal lower face is often characterized by a square, projected chin and a sharp jawline. People often regard strengthening the jawline as contributing to a man’s sex appeal and overall attractiveness, which can make him more confident.

The Problem with a Recessive Chin – And the Solution

Before and after of male jaw contouring in new york

Not all men are born with a prominent chin and even if they are, the chin also tends to recede with age. A receding chin, also referred to as a “weak chin,” makes the chin less pronounced, creating a disproportionate facial profile. Correspondingly, a strong and well-carved chin exudes youth and confidence, by bringing the entire facial contour into balance.

A recessive chin can be addressed both surgically and non-surgically. Surgically, Dr. Miller performs chin augmentation using custom implants. He creates a small incision either underneath the chin or inside the mouth. Through this incision, he creates a pocket for the chin implant and fits it around the chin bone. A chin implant will not only correct a recessed chin but improve facial harmony by bringing the chin into better proportion with other features.

For non-surgical chin augmentation, Dr. Miller uses dermal fillers to replenish lost volume and lift. Dr. Miller alters the chin’s shape and definition by strategically injecting filler beneath the skin to change the contour of the chin and/or jawline. The injectables allow him to sculpt a new chin by adding a more manly “squareness” to its shape, enhancing its projection, addressing asymmetry issues, and improving the sagginess in the jawline.

The Problem with a Double Chin – And the Solution

GI Jaw procedure results in NYC

Nobody likes a double chin –whether catching your side profile in a mirror or trying to capture the best selfie angle. And unlike other stubborn pockets of fat on other body areas, a double chin can be harder to camouflage with flattering clothing. Some men would even resort to growing beards to hide their double chins. Also known as submental fullness, this extra fat may not be a byproduct of weight gain and can appear on slender men as well.

Dr. Miller can eliminate a double chin by performing liposuction in the neck. He uses a very small cannula and inserts it under the skin to gently remove excess fatty tissues using a suction technique. Because of volume reduction and tissue tightening, patients gain a more defined jawline with improved chin and neck contours.

Fat-fighting Kybella injections are another option for eliminating a double chin. These injectables are formulated with fat-melting deoxycholic acid that destroys fat cells to reveal a more sculpted jawline and better chin profile. Dr. Miller will perform a series of treatments to achieve optimal results. Kybella is often a great choice to combine with fillers or implants to achieve the most chiseled jawline. To learn more about Kybella injections to treat double chin, please visit

The Problem with Sagging Skin – And the Solution

male jawline contouring results in NY, NY

The neck can show age sooner than other areas of the face and body because of the thinner skin there. Over time, the neck can develop sagging skin and extra fat deposits. Factors that affect how quickly the neck ages might include heredity, gravity, sun damage, and weight fluctuations. Fortunately, there are ways to rejuvenate the neck, often without surgery.

Dr. Miller offers Neck-Tite™ in his Manhattan, New York office as an advanced, minimally-invasive procedure that uses BodyTite™’s patented radiofrequency assisted lipolysis (RFAL) technology to rejuvenate the neck and jowls. The procedure combines radiofrequency energy with aspiration to remove excess fat and tighten and contour the neck area. The result is a firmer, more youthful-looking neck. This is an ideal procedure for those with loose or sagging neck skin, jowls, or what many refer to as a “turkey neck.” 

Neck-Tite™ offers patients a less invasive alternative to surgical procedures like the neck lift and facelift. At the same time, it provides greater improvement than liposuction alone, with superior contouring and skin tightening. And since Dr. Miller uses small cannulas, there is little scarring as well as minimal downtime. 

When Surgery is the Best Solution

male jaw enhancement surgery in New York City

Taking a surgical route is still widely considered the gold standard for comprehensive facial or neck rejuvenation. If you are noticing more prominent signs of aging around your chin, jawline, and neck that cannot be addressed with lasers and injectables, you may be a good candidate for a lower facelift or neck lift. Surgery’s more aggressive approach can effectively reconstruct a more youthful contour along your face, jaw, and neck.

Signs that you could benefit from a neck lift include:

  • Double chin
  • Jowls
  • Crepey neck skin
  • Sagging skin under the chin
  • Sagging on neck
  • Horizontal banding around the neck
  • Soft or diffuse jawline

With surgery, Dr. Miller removes fat from your lower face and neck, as well as redundant skin that is starting to sag. He can also tighten the platysma muscle to make the surgical neck lift a very long-lasting procedure. You can expect your neck to look younger than your non-treated peers for 10 years or more. And typically, patients undergo neck lift surgery in conjunction with a facelift for a comprehensive rejuvenation.

Why Dr. Miller is the Best Plastic Surgeon for Jaw Enhancement

As an expert facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Miller can create custom treatment plans that combine minimally invasive techniques and advanced technology to help patients achieve the best version of themselves. His extraordinary surgical knowledge, depth of experience, and artist’s eye and touch have made him one of the most sought-after facial plastic surgeons in New York. Not only has he written neck lift chapters for medical textbooks, but he also developed the innovative Neck-Tite™ non-surgical neck lift and G.I. Jaw®.

Dr. Miller also utilizes the NatraLook process to ensure his patients undergo an enriching experience in which they achieve natural results that are rewarding in both physical and emotional ways. 

Schedule A Jaw Enhancement Procedure

Is your sagging neck betraying your age? Are your jowls causing you to look much older than you feel? A smoother, tighter neck and an accentuated, stronger jawline can shave years off of your appearance and help restore your self-confidence. To learn more about our non-surgical and surgical rejuvenation procedures, please contact Dr. Miller at his Manhattan, New York plastic surgery clinic.

Brow Lift or Eyelid Surgery: How to Refresh Aging Eyes

When you look in the mirror, you want to look fresh and alert. Unfortunately, as we age, our skin loses its natural elasticity and the muscles that support our brows and eyelids start to weaken. This can lead to droopy eyelids and wrinkles that make us look older than we are. Blepharoplasty and a brow lift are two facial plastic surgery procedures that can take years off of your appearance by rejuvenating your eyes. But which treatment is right for you?

aging eye treatment results in NYC, NY Double board-certified facial plastic surgeon, Philip J. Miller, MD, FACS, has nearly 30 years of experience in cosmetic surgery. As a pioneer in the field of facial plastic surgery, he understands the unique complexities of blepharoplasty and brow lift procedures. Dr. Miller’s skilled precision and artistic eye make him uniquely qualified to recommend the right procedure for you at his state-of-the-art plastic surgery clinic in Manhattan, NY.

With Dr. Miller’s collaborative Natralook® process, you can take part in designing your own treatment plan to determine which procedure will best help you achieve your desired results.

What You Need to Know about a Brow Lift

brow lift before and after results in NYC A brow lift primarily addresses excess skin on the forehead that droops down toward the eyes. As the skin above the brow sags, it causes the eyelids to slouch downward as well. The skin only loses elasticity with age, so the problem tends to worsen in aging adults. For some, the resulting look can resemble perpetual anger or sadness. Others can experience drooping to the point that their eyesight becomes hindered.

For a more youthful look, Dr. Miller makes a small incision in the hairline and carefully lifts the skin, removing any excess. During this procedure, he also removes portions of weakened muscle near the eyelids. The entire process lifts the brow to smooth forehead lines and minimize sagging over the eyes. To learn more about brow lifts, please click here

Benefits of a Brow Lift

A brow lift can transform your appearance by softening deep creases and lines while lifting your brow. Other important benefits of a brow lift include that it can:

  • Remove excess skin from above the brow
  • Reduce deep forehead lines
  • Minimize crow’s feet
  • Lift saggy eyelids
  • Soften crow’s feet

If you have excess skin partially blocking your vision, a naturally low eyebrow arch, or deep forehead lines, consider an eyebrow lift.

What a Brow Lift Can’t Do

A brow lift cannot remove excess skin from the upper or lower eyelids like a blepharoplasty can. If you have droopy eyelids that stem from loss of elasticity in the eyelids themselves, then a brow lift may not be the appropriate treatment. Brow lifts specifically treat sagging caused by excess skin above the brow.

One way to tell if you need a blepharoplasty over a brow lift is by raising your eyebrows. If the skin continues to sag with no noticeable change, then a brow lift won’t deliver the results you’re looking for.

What you Need to Know about an Eyelid Lift

blepharoplasty before and after results in new york

An eyelid lift, or blepharoplasty, is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin and tissue from your eyelids. Dr. Miller can perform this procedure on your upper lids, lower lids, or both for a fully rejuvenated appearance.

During an eyelid lift, Dr. Miller makes a small incision in the natural eyelid crease and removes any excess tissue. For the best results, he redistributes some of your excess skin, fat, and underlying muscle before tightening your surrounding skin. This technique generates a lifting effect that instantly refreshes your appearance. Since the incision blends in with your natural crease, there’s very minimal visible scarring.

Droopy eyelids can significantly age your appearance and may even impact your vision. While skin laxity is a normal consequence of the aging process, eyelid surgery can make your eyes look younger, fresher, and more alert.  

Benefits of an Eyelid Lift

Upper eyelid surgery is an excellent anti-aging procedure for patients with droopy eyelids caused by loss of elasticity. An eyelid lift may be right for you if you suffer from:

  • Puffy upper eyelids
  • Impaired vision from saggy upper eyelid skin
  • Extra skin in the natural eyelid crease
  • Poor eyelid contours
  • Forehead discomfort from muscle straining
  • Skin irritation from chafing eyelid folds

Depending on whether you combine your treatment with a lower eyelid, blepharoplasty typically takes about 1-2 hours. Most patients recover within 7-10 days of treatment.

What an Eyelid Lift Can’t Do

An eyelid lift is ideal for patients who have droopy eyelids with excess fat and tissue. However, blepharoplasty cannot treat deep forehead wrinkles like a brow lift can. If your saggy eyelids are the result of a low brow arch and skin laxity above the brow line, then a brow lift is likely a more appropriate treatment.

When a Combination Approach at Our Plastic Surgery Clinic May be Best

Since brow and eyelid lifts address different aging symptoms, a combination approach can dramatically enhance your appearance. If you have deep forehead creases and excess eyelid skin, ask Dr. Miller about a combination approach during your initial consultation.

To schedule a face-to-face consultation with Dr. Miller at his Manhattan plastic surgery clinic, call or book an appointment online today.

Men and Plastic Surgery: A Post-Pandemic Trend

The cosmetic industry boom isn’t showing any signs of slowing down. As pandemic restrictions have eased across the U.S., surgeons and dermatologists are noticing an increased demand from their male patients for both non-surgical and surgical treatments. Whether it’s the Zoom Boom or the lockdown-induced sedentary lifestyle, the pandemic has accelerated male desire for aesthetic enhancements. And now that the world is re-opening, their aim is to reveal better versions of themselves. 

The Top Choice for Male Patients 

Double-board certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Philip Miller specializes in cosmetic facial procedures that help both women and men achieve their aesthetic goals. Considered one of the country’s leading experts in rhinoplasty and facial rejuvenation, Dr. Miller can create innovative and comprehensive procedure plans to provide natural-looking results. And with his Natralook® approach that empowers his patients to achieve Aesthetic Confidence®, he can produce life-changing outcomes.

A Rising Trend 

There has been a significant increase in the number of men seeking cosmetic procedures over the past decade. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons saw a 29% increase in total cosmetic procedures in men from 2000-2018. The Aesthetic Plastic Surgery National Databank Statistics recorded 5,037 nose surgeries in men in 2019 and 7,475 rhinoplasty procedures in 2020.

Whether men want sharper, more defined noses or brighter, younger-looking eyes, they are aware that they can benefit from the same procedures that women have long embraced. Men seeking cosmetic procedures is no longer a secret, and the pandemic has certainly given them the push they needed to finally pursue their aesthetic goals.

What is the Zoom Boom?

With the switch to remote work, online meetings, and virtual gatherings, people went from sparingly looking at their reflections while brushing their teeth to suddenly staring at their image on a screen for hours a day. As a result, there was greater scrutiny of their lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging. Men are as concerned as women about their appearance and are becoming proactive about keeping aging symptoms at bay with the help of cosmetic procedures.

The COVID 15 

For millions of Americans, one of the unintended consequences of the pandemic has been the “COVID 15,” which refers to the weight gain that people in lockdown may have experienced. With gyms and workout facilities closed, plus easy access to the pantry and fridge, the extra pounds stealthily crept on for many. Now that businesses are beginning to open and cities are now resuming normal activities, men want to improve their neglected body contours by undergoing body-contouring procedures to enhance their physiques.

Recovery: More Time, More Privacy

Men who were considering surgery, but had worries about the downtime, found a golden opportunity while on lockdown. Those working remotely could recover from procedures without taking as much time off or letting others know of their plans. Work-from-home wardrobes consisting of loose tops and sweats also made post-surgery recovery much more comfortable. In essence, quarantine life provides the best setup for privacy and a discreet recovery time.

Popular Procedures for Men 

Even taking the pandemic out of the equation, there is less taboo surrounding cosmetic procedures for men today. Men are taking better care of their skin and bodies, and they want a more youthful appearance to match their energy and vigor with the help of the following procedures:

male blepharoplasty surgery results in NYC, NY Eyelid Surgery

No matter their age, men like to look rested, energetic, and attentive. The eyes are one of the most vulnerable areas when it comes to aging and can make a man look tired and older than he feels. This delicate skin diminishes with age, resulting in droopy eyelids and puffy bags under the eyes. To address these concerns and achieve a younger-looking appearance, more men are now discovering the benefits of blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery in Manhattan, New York.

Neck Lift

Whether they blame it on heredity, gravity, fluctuations in weight, or the natural aging process, men will notice a distinct loss of skin elasticity on their face, neck, and jaw, along with increased fatty deposits. To reverse these signs of aging, men are turning to a neck lift procedure to achieve harmony between their appearance and the way they feel. Dr. Miller can perform a neck lift to remove excess fat and skin from the neck to improve visible signs of aging in the neck and jawline, creating a smoother, slimmer, firmer, and more refined neck appearance.

male rhinoplasty results in Manhattan, NY Rhinoplasty

With Zoom meetings and more time spent on multiple social media platforms, men (like women) have become more focused on their imperfections. Research has found that selfies can also make people’s noses look larger than they actually are. Rhinoplasty is one of the most often requested procedures by male patients in Dr. Miller’s plastic surgery clinic. Since masculine features are the perceived key to male attractiveness, most men choose to have rhinoplasty to eliminate any unsightly features while maintaining a strong-looking nose. 


A testament to the fact that Botox injections aren’t just for women, “Bro-tox” continues to be a popular trend over the last decade. As its man-friendly nickname suggests, Bro-tox refers to Botox procedures for men. In addition to its subtle results and minimally-invasive approach, the appeal of Botox injections also comes from its short treatment sessions and minimal downtime. Dr. Miller strategically injects Botox to specific facial areas to block nerve impulses to the muscles responsible for dynamic wrinkles, creating a smoother, more youthful appearance. 

Why Gotham Plastic Surgery is the Best Plastic Surgery Clinic for Male Patients

Most plastic surgeons only see a small fraction of male patients, and this gives them little experience with the unique needs of men. Dr. Miller understand the unique concerns of his male patients and creates improvements that are both natural and distinctly masculine. 

Settle For Only The Best In Facial Rejuvenation

Can’t decide which procedure is best for you? During your consultation at our plastic surgery clinic, Dr. Miller will make recommendations based on your skin quality, signs of aging, and specific concerns. Together, you can create a Unified Vision® that will best meet your goals. Contact Gotham Plastic Surgery today to schedule an appointment.

5 Times a Surgical Facelift is the Right Choice

The availability of non-surgical options in cosmetic dermatology has made it easier for most people to try new treatments. A liquid facelift, for instance, gives you a chance to “test drive” a new look before committing to a surgical facelift. While non-surgical procedures sound like the quick, safe, and easy approach, they may not always be the most suitable solution to your aesthetic needs and goals. Sometimes, taking the surgical route is the better choice. So, how do you know which procedure is right for you?

Esteemed double board-certified facial plastic surgeon, Philip J. Miller, MD, FACS, specializes in cosmetic facial surgeries including the classic facelift in Manhattan, New York. He creates custom treatment plans utilizing the most advanced techniques to help you achieve your ideal look. Furthermore, his Natralook® process empowers you to help design your transformation journey and achieve your desired results.

liquid facelift results in Manhattan, NY What is a Liquid Facelift?

For younger patients who do not have severe aging symptoms and do not want to undergo surgery, a liquid facelift can provide restorative and rejuvenating results without the need for incisions or anesthesia. To perform a liquid facelift, doctors inject fillers and neuromodulators into targeted areas, adding volume to the cheeks or contouring the jawline, all while eliminating the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Depending on the injectables used, liquid facelift results can last for up to two years. Even though you did not “go under the knife,” the appropriate patient can still receive impressive anti-aging results. To learn more about liquid facelift, visit

Benefits of a Liquid Facelift

At our Manhattan plastic surgery clinic, our patients enjoy the amazing results they’re able to achieve with our proprietary liquid facelift technique, called the Miller Lift. In addition to beautiful results, you may enjoy these other benefits:

  • It’s non-invasive
  • It saves you time
  • It does not involve any downtime
  • It’s typically not very painful, and some patients report feeling no pain
  • It produces natural-looking results
  • It’s a precise procedure
  • It’s more affordable

What You Need to Know About Surgical Facelifts

Over time, the skin loses elasticity and begins to sag, causing deep creases, wrinkles, droopy eyes, jowls, and pronounced loose folds. While we can’t stop the aging process, a surgical facelift is an effective rewind button that can take years off your appearance. The traditional facelift is a household name in the beauty world—and for good reason. Surgical facelift results are more dramatic compared to liquid facelifts and last longer because surgeons tighten underlying muscles, remove excess skin and fat, and reposition the skin, taking a more thorough approach.

Since a surgical facelift is a more complex procedure, it is important to understand what the procedure is designed to address and what outcome you can potentially achieve.

When Surgery is the Right Choice

Because surgeons tailor a surgical facelift to your unique bone structure, skin condition, and aging patterns, you can achieve a lifted, firmer appearance with younger-looking skin while still looking like yourself. Specifically, you can benefit from a surgical facelift when:

1. You Have Severe Aging Symptoms

Surgical facelifts are ideal for older people or those who are looking for a dramatic solution to significantly sagging skin, defined wrinkles, loose jawlines, and deep creases. When performed properly, a facelift can turn back the clock by smoothing the skin, firming up muscle tone, and restoring attractive facial contours.

However, if you’re still young and would like to address early signs of aging and experience long-lasting results but are not ready for an invasive full-facelift, you may be able to find your desired results through a Micro-Lift, which uses smaller incisions and requires less downtime.

surgical facelift results in NYC, NY

2. You Can See Significant Skin Laxity

While fillers can plump up areas to restore natural fullness, they cannot restore elasticity to skin that has begun to sag. Facelifts are best-known for addressing skin laxity. Surgeons remove and tighten skin that’s begun drooping with age, producing a more youthful look. By removing excess tissue, surgeons can address the following:

  • Jowls
  • Turkey wattles
  • Overall aged appearance
  • Droopy skin around the eye area

However, surgeons should not pull skin too tight, as this can create a frozen, wind-blown appearance that is typical of procedures performed by inexperienced surgeons. Dr. Miller will ensure your results are very natural and that you look like a younger, refreshed version of yourself.

3. Your Neck Also Needs Rejuvenation

Since the neck’s skin is thinner than facial skin, the neck is one of the first areas to show signs of aging. A facelift without a neck lift can create an unbalanced look. This is why surgeons usually perform a neck lift in conjunction with a facelift. By lifting and tightening the deeper tissue along the jawline, pulling up the sagging tissue, and excising loose skin, you can achieve a smooth and very defined jawline to complement your younger-looking face.

combination facelift and neck lift results in NY, NY

4. You Don’t Want to Come in Every Few Months

A surgical facelift offers the most long-lasting results of any other anti-aging procedure available today. Since it addresses sagging skin and volume loss with a more thorough and comprehensive approach, results can last for up to 10 years.

5. You Want Dramatic Results

Considered the gold standard in facial rejuvenation, a facelift offers the most dramatic improvement in addressing the signs of aging. While patients seeking subtle results have found injectables to be effective in achieving their desired look, those who undergo a surgical facelift get a more striking transformation by correcting sagging skin, removing jowls, lifting the cheeks, and refreshing the overall appearance. When performed well, this procedure can take 10+ years off your appearance while maintaining your natural look.

Discover The Right Facial Rejuvenation Procedure For You At Our Plastic Surgery Clinic

In addition to determining the right procedure for you, it is also essential that you find the best surgeon to perform it for you. For more than two decades, Dr. Miller has provided patients with customized surgical and non-surgical facial procedures. By combining his expertise and skill with his artistic eye, Dr. Miller can achieve impeccable results and give you Aesthetic Confidence®. To learn more about our facial rejuvenation procedures and other non-surgical options such as  Face-Tite™, contact Dr. Miller at his New York City plastic surgery clinic today.

Tired of Your Aging Neck? Tackle Your Concerns this “Neckvember”

You have enough going on right now, between planning holiday festivities and trying to stay safe amidst COVID-19. You shouldn’t also have to worry about your appearance as you see friends and family. This “neckvember,” take time for yourself and focus on an area on the body that also doesn’t get enough attention: your neck. Your neck is about as visible as your face, and yet many tend to forget it when scheduling cosmetic treatments, so don’t forget it this month.

As a double-board certified plastic surgeon in New York City who focuses solely on treatments for the face and neck, Dr. Philip Miller can help you achieve a youthful-looking neck and overall appearance, whether you’re ready for a surgical procedure or want to try our many non-surgical options. Dr. Miller has more than 20 years of experience as a plastic surgeon and has written medical textbook chapters specifically on neck rejuvenation, so you can be sure you are receiving the best possible care for your neck rejuvenation treatment. 

How Your Neck Changes Over Time

Much like your face, your neck shows signs of aging over time, like sagging skin, loss of definition, and wrinkles. Both these areas have skin that is more delicate than the skin on the rest of your body, which makes them more susceptible to aging symptoms. These aging symptoms stem from the decrease in production of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, proteins that give your skin volume and elasticity, characteristics associated with youthfulness and beauty. External influences can also heighten these symptoms. Sun exposure and smoking can both increase discoloration and wrinkles. Wrinkles on the neck can form what’s often called a “turkey neck,” which is a grouping of sagging, wrinkled skin that resembles a turkey’s wattle. Weight fluctuations can also add to this, as well as the formation of a double chin.

Get Your Youthful Neck Back

Aging symptoms may mostly be inevitable, but living with them is not. No matter your concern, Dr. Miller in New York City can help determine the best treatment for you. Consider your goals when selecting a treatment. You may need lifting or fat reduction to achieve a contoured jawline. Maybe you just have a few wrinkles that need to be filled or discoloration you want to be lightened. Whether you’re just starting cosmetic treatments or are ready for a more permanent surgery option, we can help.

No matter which treatment you select, Dr. Miller will take you through the NatraLook Process, an enriching experience to help you discover your full beauty potential and understand all your options for achieving this. Dr. Miller will talk you through your procedure so you can feel comfortable and confident in your choice.

Neck-Tite and liposuction to remove submental fat and sculpt the neck by Dr. Miller. Surgery creates a more defined jawline and improves the facial profile in NYC, NY Lift 

Sagging skin on the neck is a very common aging symptom that can be treated with injectables, ultrasound and radiofrequency technology, and surgically. Dr. Miller can reduce lines, wrinkles, folds, and creases in your neck with his proprietary Miller Lift, a liquid lift technique he customizes to individual patient needs. By combining dermal fillers and other treatments, Dr. Miller can create a custom treatment plan for your specific needs.

Ultherapy uses ultrasound technology, while Neck-Tite utilizes radiofrequency technology to contour the neck and jowls. Ultherapy works by emitting ultrasound energy into the skin, which causes the skin to react with increased collagen production, a natural substance that keeps your skin firm and youthful. Neck-Tite’s radiofrequency technology can be combined with submental liposuction to remove fat and tighten the skin. That way, you won’t be left with loose skin where fat has been removed. Neck-Tite may also be used to treat jowls.

If your signs of aging are more severe and you are ready to say goodbye to wrinkles, bands, or a “turkey neck,” then it might be time for a neck lift. This surgical procedure can erase these signs of aging for typically between 10-15 years. A neck lift could involve the removal of excess fat with liposuction, the removal of extra skin, and the tightening of muscles and skin. You will need approximately two weeks to recover, then you can enjoy your results for years to come.

Neck liposuction to eliminate submental fat and improve the profile of a female patient by Dr. Miller. Surgery creates a smoother transition from the chin to the neck in NYC, NY Line 

A well-defined jawline might be what you’re seeking for a more pleasing, youthful appearance. At our Manhattan office, we offer a wide array of options for sculpting the jawline. With submental liposuction, Dr. Miller can remove fat from under the chin to reveal a contoured jawline. If you’re unsure about liposuction, you can opt for Kybella, the only injectable medicine FDA-approved for fat reduction.

For a more dramatic improvement, Dr. Miller sometimes recommends a chin implant. This can greatly increase the definition in your jawline while giving you a natural result. Dr. Miller uses medical grade silicone implants for the best results. During your consultation, Dr. Miller will take you through his proprietary NatraLook Process to determine if a chin implant is right for you.

Men seeking to define their jawlines can experience the innovative G.I. Jaw® procedure, created by Dr. Miller himself. Dr. Miller combines all the above treatments to help you achieve a sharp jawbone, square chin, facial symmetry, and well-defined cheekbones, all telltale signs of masculinity associated with strength and attractiveness. To learn more about neck rejuvenation, visit


Wrinkles and platysmal banding on the neck are aging signs most people want to reduce as much as possible. Dr. Miller uses Botox® to relax the platysma muscles, which helps the wrinkles shrink and become less apparent. These muscles increase in size as you age because they are used so frequently to make facial expressions. Wrinkles found in the neck can be filled with dermal fillers. These fillers are made from hyaluronic acid, a natural substance found in the body. Your body will slowly absorb the fillers, so we can help you create a treatment schedule so you can maintain your results.

Laser Resurfacing to rejuvenate the skin in New York

Before and After of CO2 Laser Resurfacing to rejuvenate the skin


The changes you’re seeing in your neck might have less to do with structural changes and more to do with changes in pigment. CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing can treat acne scars, blotchy skin, and discoloration caused by sun damage. While treating these pigment issues, the device can also address texture concerns and wrinkles, giving you a more complete transformation in one or more treatments.

Make it Last

Want to make sure your neck rejuvenation treatment this “neckvember” lasts even longer? Combine your neck lift with a facelift or mini facelift. These procedures are often performed together and can give you back your youthful face and neck long-term. A traditional facelift requires a longer recovery than a mini facelift, but the results last longer.

Schedule Your Neck Rejuvenation Treatment in New York City

If you’re ready to minimize wrinkles, correct discoloration, sculpt your jawline, or pursue another neck treatment this “neckvember,” contact us today to schedule your consultation with Philip Miller, MD.

Your Guide to Facelift Alternatives

Ten years ago, your “anti-aging” routine consisted of good skincare and an occasional facial. But those measures can’t combat the toll of the passing years anymore. You’ve noticed signs of aging that don’t jive with how youthful, vibrant, and active you actually are. No matter what your reasons for being troubled by the signs of aging, you don’t have to try to make peace with them anymore. Nor do you have to jump right into surgical rejuvenation.

Although Dr. Miller is a board-certified facial plastic surgeon based in Manhattan, New York, known for his expertise with rhinoplasty and facial rejuvenation, he offers non-surgical facial rejuvenation and minimal surgical improvements as well as complete facelifts. If you’re ready to have your appearance match the inner you but aren’t quite ready to commit to a surgical procedure, here are some alternatives to consider.

Alternatives To Facelift

  • Liquid Facelift
  • Face-Tite™ and Ultherapy™
  • Brow lift
  • Micro lift

liquid facelift treatment in new york

Miller Lift (liquid facelift)

For women and men who are scalpel-averse, Dr. Miller offers a non-surgical “Miller Lift.” He instantly restores volume to your skin, re-contours your cheeks, and fills in hollows at your temples and under your eyes with a variety of injectable dermal fillers as well as Botox® or another neuromodulator.  

Depending on your needs, a Miller Lift may only take about 30 minutes. That makes it a perfect procedure to undergo a month or so before an important event, such as a wedding. When you consider that a liquid facelift takes less time than getting highlights in a salon, you realize that you have time to turn back time — especially since there’s really no recovery period. You may have a little soreness or pinkness at your injection sites after a Miller Lift, but you can wear make-up and go about your normal activities.

Depending on your needs, Dr. Miller selects from a full range of both hyaluronic-acid based dermal fillers (i.e., Juvéderm and Restylane) and collagen-inducing fillers (i.e. Sculptra and Radiesse). You may also want to consider a fat transfer procedure, in which Dr. Miller removes fat from an area where you have excess (e.g., your abdomen), processes it, and injects it into areas of volume depletion, such as your midface.

non-surgical facelift treatment in new york Dr. Miller uses Botox to erase wrinkles on your forehead, between your brows, and around your eyes. He can also use it to create a non-surgical neck lift to erase neck bands or to soften your jawline so your face looks more heart-shaped.

Depending on your needs, your Miller Lift could:

  • Fill in deep creases around nose and mouth
  • Erase fine lines and wrinkles throughout the face
  • Restore volume to your midface
  • Build up your cheekbones for lift and elegance
  • Fill in under-eye troughs
  • Slightly lift your forehead and brows
  • Fill in depleted volume and temples
  • Restore or enhance lip volume
  • Lift and smooth your neck

Fillers last between 6 months and a year or more. Botox lasts between 3-4 months. Our staff schedules your touch-up appointments so you continue to look refreshed and vibrant.

non-surgical skin tightening treatment in new york Face-Tite™ and Ultherapy™

While a liquid facelift gives you an immediate improvement that you can walk out of the office with, it does require touch-ups. If you are looking for a more long-lasting solution, you can also opt for state-of-the-art technologies that improve the quality of your skin and “train” it to act younger, such as Face-Tite and Ultherapy. These technologies require time to show their results because they’re working in tandem with your own body’s healing and rebuilding processes. However, you can combine them with a Miller Lift to get both the immediate and long-term benefits. 

Face-Tite uses the power of radiofrequency (RF) assisted liposuction to remove excess fat from your chin, neck, and jowls. The heat from the RF device also tightens and remodels your skin, leaving you with a tighter, more lifted look overall.

Ultherapy uses sound waves to reach deep into your dermis, triggering a healing process that removes tired old strands of collagen and elastin, replacing them with new, strengthening proteins. Your skin rebuilds itself over 2-3 months until it’s firmer and more lifted.

With Face-Tite and Ultherapy, either alone or together, you can expect results such as:

  • Tighter skin
  • Firmer skin
  • More uplifted cheeks and face
  • Tighter, more lifted brow
  • Less sagging around eyes
  • Firmer, sleeker jawline
  • No more double chin
  • Softer facial creases
  • A more rested and vibrant look

You may even notice that your pores look smaller and your skin is clearer.

“Mini” surgeries

If you’re still in the early stages of aging, a surgical facelift might not be the right choice for you. However, if you’d like something more permanent than a Miller Lift, Dr. Miller might recommend:

Brow lift facial plastic surgery treatments in new york

A brow lift smooths the aging furrows and creases on your forehead while also slightly elevating your brow. By lifting your brow, you get a more open look that alleviates sagging on your upper eyelids. A brow lift makes you look more alert and energized and is a subtle way to make a big difference in how you feel and are perceived.

Micro Lift

This skin-only mini-facelift is perfect for people who need just a slight bit of elevation to relieve facial sagging. You’ll look fresher, sleeker, and more vibrant. A Micro Lift improves slight sagging around the cheeks, mouth, and jaw.


As effective as non-surgical facelifts and minimally-invasive surgeries are, nothing can compare to a complete facelift over the long term. In Dr. Miller’s expert hands, your face and neck are rejuvenated by about 10 years. And your results last that long, too. After your facelift, you can expect benefits such as:

  • More lifted, youthful cheeks and face
  • Sleek jawline
  • No double chin
  • No jowls
  • Smooth, lifted neck
  • Fewer lines and creases

A facelift costs more at the outset but can save you money over time. To learn more about facial rejuvenation, visit

Schedule Your Facelift Alternative Procedure in New York Today

To find out which type of rejuvenation is best for your unique case, call Dr. Philip Miller’s Manhattan office at (646) 791-3025, or schedule an appointment online.

Look and Feel Your Best for Your New York Wedding

Without question, your wedding day is going to be one of the most special and memorable events of your life. Not only is it the day when you and your beloved make a heartfelt commitment to each other in front of your family and friends, but it’s also a day that will be undoubtedly immortalized in dozens of beautiful professional photos and a high-end video, too.

Of course, you want to look your best for your partner. But you also want to look your best for posterity. That’s why a wedding gives you the perfect opportunity to indulge in the ultimate head-to-toe makeover.

But just as a perfect wedding takes planning, so does a perfect wedding makeover. You don’t want to be healing from lip injections when the photographer catches a candid shot. Nor should you get fitted for your wedding dress or tux before you’ve sculpted your ideal figure!

If looking your best is part of your wedding plans, Dr. Phillip J. Miller and his team of experts in New York City can help. Below are some of their most popular pre-wedding treatments, along with a timeline that will give you the ideal time-frame as to when you should schedule!  

Re-shape your nose


nose surgery before and after in new york If rhinoplasty is part of your journey toward facial harmony, you need to schedule that as far in advance as you do an ideal venue. To fully heal from a surgical rhinoplasty, you need to allow about one year. 

Schedule: More than a year before your wedding day.

Non-surgical Rhinoplasty

But if you’ve already past the deadline, don’t despair: A non-surgical rhinoplasty might be all you need to create the most flattering profile of your life. Dr. Miller has developed a non-surgical rhinoplasty that utilizes dermal fillers to correct nasal defects in just minutes. A quick and pain-free non-surgical rhinoplasty can create beautiful changes, including:

  • Evening out a nose-bump
  • Correcting small dips
  • Correcting asymmetries

Straightening your nose with injectable dermal fillers may even make it appear shorter. A non-surgical rhinoplasty only takes a few minutes and doesn’t cause any pain or swelling. Results can last for 18-24 months.

Schedule: Several weeks before the wedding.

Eliminate Loose Skin


Facelift, neck lift, dermabrasion and earlobe repair to enhance the appearance of a female patient by Dr. Miller.

If you’re in the market for a full-on surgical facelift, make sure you leave at least six months to heal. Like a surgical rhinoplasty, a surgical facelift is a long-term project that has lifetime results. Once you turn back the hands of time, you continue to age from that prior stage, looking 10 years younger than your peers (provided they’re not also patients of Dr. Miller’s, of course!).

Schedule: More than one year before your wedding.


If you’re still in your 20s or 30s, you could benefit from a Micro Lift, which mimics the result of wearing a tight ponytail. In this skin-only facelift, Dr. Miller makes a small incision in front of your ear and lifts from there. Results are subtle but permanent.

Schedule: At least two months before your wedding


Dr. Miller and his team also have a bouquet of non-surgical face-lifting methods to lift sagging skin and spirits. You can look younger than you ever dreamed of by rejuvenating your skin with:

Face-Tite™ — A combination of mini liposuction and radiofrequency (RF) energy, Face-Tite sculpts away sagging, aging fat from your eyebags, jowls, chin, and neck while tightening your skin. You can tighten every area of your face from brow to neck.

Schedule: At least six weeks before the wedding. You’ll see amazing results by then, though your skin grows tighter and firmer for up to a year. 


Ultherapy® — This non-surgical face and neck tightening procedure relies on the power of ultrasound waves to heat your collagen, which both contracts it and stimulates your body to create new collagen. Depending on how severe your skin sagging is, you may need more than one treatment. Ultherapy works with your body’s healing and rebuilding capabilities, so it takes several months before you see the degree of tightening and firming that you desire.

Schedule: At least three months before the wedding for one treatment, or seven months for two treatments.

Miller Lift

Micro Lift to address skin laxity and other early signs of aging in a female patient by Dr. Miller

Miller Lift — This non-surgical liquid facelift uses nothing but injectable dermal fillers and Botox® to re-contour and lift your face to a more youthful position. You can erase frown lines and nasolabial folds, while lifting and building your midface and cheekbones.

Schedule: Two weeks before your wedding.

Touch up trouble spots

New York Botox Wrinkle Treatment Whether you’ve opted for other treatments or not, to create a portrait-perfect face you may want to smooth out your brow and fill in creases and wrinkles. We custom-design a treatment plan with dermal fillers and Botox to give you the smooth, silky skin that you (and your makeup artist) deserve. Botox lasts between 3-4 months. Dermal fillers can last for up to a year.

Schedule: 2 weeks before your wedding for fillers

Get an extra glow

You’ll already be glowing from excitement and fulfillment when the Big Day arrives. But you can boost your luminance with skin treatments that detoxify your skin, slough off old skin cells and resolve acne scars and dark spots. Our aestheticians choose from a variety of med spa treatments that are right for your skin type and problem areas. Many treatments have the added benefit of tightening your skin, too. 

Schedule: A week or two before your wedding.

Sculpt your Body

Don’t rely on Spanx to create your perfect wedding silhouette, or on willpower either, as indicated by this study. Sculpting away excess fat and tightening your muscles ensures you’ll look amazing both in your dress or tux and in your wedding night lingerie (and out of it, too). 

CoolSculpting® — If you’d rather eliminate fat without any kind of incisions or downtime, a series of up to three CoolSculpting treatments freezes off excess bulges, including muffin tops and thunder thighs. Leave about a month between treatments. To learn more about CoolSculpting, visit

Schedule: At least six months in advance of your wedding.

Schedule Your New York Wedding Treatment Today

You don’t need a wedding planner for your perfect wedding look. Just say “I Do” to a pre-wedding makeover by calling our Manhattan office at 646-791-3025 for a consultation or book online today. 

Common Recovery Inconveniences After Facelift Surgery

Facelift Model in New York There is no such thing as a risk-free surgery, not even one that is medically necessary. Facial plastic surgery is a delicate practice that must only be performed by an experienced, board-certified facial plastic surgeon who can deliver satisfactory results. The right surgeon in NYC can lower your risks for harmful side effects and post-surgical complications. If you know how to prepare and what to expect, you can avoid these common recovery problems after your facelift surgery.

Excessive Swelling After Facelift Surgery

Swelling is a common side effect of facelift surgery and a true sign of healing within the body. After your surgery, you will see the worst swelling on your second, third, and possibly fourth day of recovery. Somewhere during the first week post-surgery, you should see your swelling gradually subsiding. If your face hasn’t started to go back to its normal size by then, you may be having a healing issue.

To prevent excessive swelling, make sure you are keeping your head elevated at all times, even when you sleep or lie on the couch. Keeping your head at an angle will reduce blood flow to your face and alleviate some of the pressure that causes swelling. Your facial plastic surgeon may also advise other anti-swelling measures like cold compresses, so make sure to follow his instructions clearly.

Allergic Reactions to Anesthetics or Medication

Many prospective patients from New York worry about being “put to sleep” under anesthetics for a facelift surgery. Although the safe methods and types of anesthetics used have improved throughout the years, allergic reactions can occur. If you have a history of allergies, you must discuss your health with your facial plastic surgeon during your facelift consultation. It could affect the anesthetic he uses and the medication he prescribes to you. Be sure to include any adverse reactions you’ve had to medications in the past including nausea and vomiting, hives and rashes, trouble breathing, heart palpitations, and extreme drowsiness. These could all be indicators of an allergy to a particular type of medicine.

Visible Post-Surgical Scars

Every surgery will leave behind incision marks which heal over as scars. Placing these incisions in well-hidden areas of the face can help cut down on their visibility once you have healed. Many facial plastic surgeons will place them in the natural skin folds around the ears or along the hairline so they aren’t obvious. Sometimes, however, scars can’t be well-hidden and may be visible for a long time after surgery. They can be raised, darker in pigment, and even grow beyond the incised area to form a keloid scar. Following your facial plastic surgeon’s advice for proper after-care is the best strategy for avoiding highly visible scarring. Once you have healed completely, other skincare methods and treatments can be used to reduce the appearance of any scars you have.

Damage to the Facial Nerves

The human face contains many nerve endings that all work together to create the sensations and sensitivity of the skin. Damage to the nerves can be a side effect of any surgery, from facelift to tummy tuck. It is normal to feel some numbness and tingling after surgery, which may take months to fully subside as the nerves heal and regrow. Some pinching and tightness are also normal sensations to experience. If you have concerns that your facial nerves are damaged, talk to your facial plastic surgeon right away. There are measures that can be taken to restore some of the nerves.

Minimizing any potential for such damage starts with a smart choice of facial plastic surgeon to perform your facelift surgery. He will have the skilled hands, know-how, and experience needed to perform your facelift procedure more smoothly and safely. If you’re concerned about nerve damage, talk with your surgeon about nerve problems experienced by his past patients or read their reviews of his work online.

Choose an Expert NYC Facial Plastic Surgeon to Perform a Smooth, Successful Facelift

If you’d like to learn more about how to have a safe and effective facelift surgery from your preparation to aftercare, such as nutrition, consult with a board-certified facial plastic surgeon today. Dr. Philip Miller has specialized exclusively in facial plastic surgery, offering over 20 years of experience and knowledge to his patients.

A recognized expert in facial rejuvenation procedures, Dr. Miller has been frequently invited to share his specific techniques with his peers at various national facial plastic surgery meetings. He has been voted among the Best Doctors in America each year since 2007 and has also been named a Top Doctor of New York. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Miller, contact his office located at 60 East 56th Street, Third Floor in New York City, by calling (646) 791-3025.

Next, learn How to Cover up Post-Op Facelift Bruising

Can a Facelift Fix Your Acne Scarring?

Model Image of a female with smooth skin, used in reference to Facelift procedure, New York, NY Many men and women today are plagued by the choices they made as teenagers, especially when it comes to their faces. From acne scars to enlarged pores, the evidence of those teenage, hormone-induced breakouts is everywhere. While acne is associated with youth, the scars left behind by pimples and blackheads can make you look older over time. While facelift surgery is known for correcting many of the common aging problems, there’s not much discussion on how it can (or can’t) help to reverse acne scars. So, how can a facelift help you?

Flatten and Tighten the Skin

If you are an eligible candidate, facelift surgery does many things, but the most commonly known change is how the skin becomes flattened and tightened. One goal of the facelift procedure is to smooth out loose skin and deep wrinkles by adjusting the skin and trimming away the excess. If you have large pores and acne scars, you might have noticed that stretching your skin gently with your fingertips seems to smooth them away. This happens because of surface tension on the skin as it is pulled flatter.

Unfortunately, facelift surgery in New York will not help you to smooth away these scars. During the procedure, the skin will be pulled to a natural amount of tension. While the excess will be removed, your skin won’t have that “pulled look.” Staying natural and youthful might mean keeping those larger pores, or at least turning to other methods to improve their appearance.

Excess Skin Removal

While tightening the skin may not deliver the results you want, the physical removal of some skin could help. During the facelift procedure, the skin and underlying tissue are lifted and pulled outward to a natural and more youthful position. Any excess skin is then removed from the outer edges before your sutures are closed. If you have noticed some scarring around the jaw and cheek areas, you might want to talk to your facial plastic surgeon about this. Depending on the degree to which your skin is sagging, some of these scars might be removed along with the excess skin. You’ll only be able to get such personalized answers through a face-to-face consultation and it certainly never hurts to ask!

Improvements Made by Facelift Surgery

Even if your acne scars cannot be treated with facelift surgery, there are many ways in which this procedure can improve your appearance and leave you looking younger and refreshed. Facelifts can help to diminish the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and creases around the mid and lower regions of the face. Patients with turkey neck, jowls, and sagging skin can see dramatic improvements as well. Discuss the surgical procedure with a board certified facial plastic surgeon like Dr. Miller to learn more about the specific anti-aging benefits a facelift will offer to you.

Other Ways to Treat Acne Scars

Facelift surgery isn’t the only procedure that can improve your look. There are many nonsurgical techniques that will couple nicely with your facelift procedure and address your specific concerns about skin-tightening, skin resurfacing, scar treatments, and pore minimizing. Consult with your facial plastic surgeon to learn more about when and what treatments would be best able to help you address your own specific concerns.

Plan Your Anti-Aging Facial Procedure in NYC Today

If you’d like to learn more about how a facelift surgery and other acne-scarring treatments can help you to achieve the results you want, consult with a board certified facial plastic surgeon today. Dr. Philip Miller has specialized exclusively in facial plastic surgery for over 20 years.

A recognized expert in facial rejuvenation procedures, Dr. Miller is frequently invited to share his particular techniques with his peers. He has been voted among the Best Doctors in America each year since 2007 and has also been named a Top Doctor of New York. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Miller, contact his office located at 60 East 56th Street, Third Floor in New York City, by calling (646) 791-3025.

Next, read all about Deviated Septums